Best answer: Did anyone catch all the Pokémon?

Has anyone caught all the Pokémon in Pokémon Go 2020?

It’s not your fault for thinking that was the goal of the massively popular new mobile game, “Pokémon GO,” but there is, in fact, no way to “catch ’em all” in it. There are 151 so-called “first generation” Pokémon. But as of this writing, it’s only possible to find and capture 142.

How many Pokémon does it take to catch them all?

869 Pokémon can be caught. 459 Pokémon species/families are all that you need to catch (+3 for Nidoran, Volbeat, & Phione (Though these you can breed from “another family”). This includes the 58 Legendary and 20 mythical families.

Who was the first person to complete the Pokedex?

Brooklyn-based Nick Johnson is the first man confirmed to have filled up his Pokedex, catching all of the 142 Pokemon that remain in the United States.

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