Best answer: Can’t spin Pokestops but can catch Pokemon?

Can’t spin PokeStops but can catch Pokemon?

4 Answers. This is in most cases becaus of a problem with your connection with the servers. Try to check if your connection is okay. Bear in mind that a failed Pokestop spin can sometimes still trigger the Pokestop cooldown (even when your connection is good).

Why can’t I get anything from PokeStops?

This is most likely a connection issue. If your connection is bad, or the servers are under heavy load, PokeStops and Gyms will struggle to fully load in, not giving you items. On a side note, if the PokeStop is staying blue, but saying “Try again later,” check your bag, as you probably got the items anyways.

Why can’ti catch PokeStops or spin?

It’s quite possible that you were soft banned for moving too quickly. The symptoms of not being able to get items from a pokestop and pokemon fleeing are exactly what happen when you are soft banned. It should only last a few hours, and for some they’re able to fix it by simply force quitting the app.

Can you not spin PokeStops while driving?

Niantic recently disabled the ability to spin PokéStops at driving speeds. Together with the removal of Pokémon spawns and the fact that you’ve never been able to accrue distance at driving speeds, it effectively makes the game unplayable at anything above a brisk walk.

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Can you have 2 Pokemon Go accounts?

First, each “Pokemon Go” account needs to be hooked up to a unique Gmail address or Pokemon Trainer Club account, so you can’t run two different accounts from the same email or from the same trainer club account. …

Can I make my house a Pokestop?

Unfortunately, nominations for PokéStops cannot be accepted for any private residences, so it is not possible to have a PokéStop at your home.

How long do you get soft banned from Pokemon Go?

If you get yourself a real soft ban, however, you can expect the Pokemon Go soft ban duration to be around 12 hours. You should also be aware that based on Niantic Policy, you’ll be in a lot more trouble if you get yourself repeated soft bans after that first one – third offence is likely to be permanent, for example.

Can you request a Pokestop without being level 40?

The program is now open worldwide, but to qualify, you have to be a max level 40 Pokémon GO players to even get in the door.

How do I spoof without getting banned from Pokemon go?

Change Pokemon GO location with a VPN

  1. Choose and download a VPN – we suggest NordVPN.
  2. Download a GPS spoofing app.
  3. Choose a VPN server location.
  4. Download and play Pokémon GO.
  5. Use your GPS spoofing app to explore your new area.

Will Pokeball plus spin Pokestops while driving?

Does the Pokeball plus auto spin pokestops as you drive even if you are going over the Pokémon go limit (I think it’s like 20mph). Pokeball plus doesn’t auto spin at all, u need to press the button. If u have one of the other devices like gotcha, than its hit or miss. It’ll spin some but not all.

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Can you spin a PokeStop remotely?

Pokémon GO adds Remote Raid Pass and PokéStop spins for players stuck at home. … Even better, as you run low on Gifts, your designated buddy Pokémon will venture to nearby PokéStops on your behalf to bring some to you.

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