Best answer: Can Eevee evolve into rock type?

Is there a rock type Eeveelution?

Currently, there are no Normal, Ghost, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Rock, Ground, Bug, Steel or Dragon-type Eeveelutions. Despite the term “Eeveelution” being a fan-made term, it has been used multiples times in official merchandise.

How do you evolve Eevee into a specific type?

Changing the name. You can evolve an Eevee into an Espeon (psychic), Umbreon (dark type), Flareon (a fire type), a Vaporeon (a water type) or a Jolteon (an electric type) just by changing your Eevee’s name.

Will Eevee get more evolutions?

Eevee currently doesn’t have any evolutions for 9 different types: Fighting.

How do I evolve Eevee into Sylveon in 2021?

Leafeon: Evolve an Eevee near a mossy lure—it doesn’t need to be your own. Glaceon: Evolve an Eevee near a glacial lure. Again, any lure will do. Sylveon: Normally, you have to acquire 70 buddy hearts with Eevee as your buddy.

Can Eevee evolve with a dusk stone?

Dusk Stones are used to evolve Murkrow and Misdreavus. Dawn Stones are used to evolve female Snorunt and male Kirlia.

Water Stone.

Water Stone evolutions
Eevee Vaporeon
Lombre Ludicolo
Panpour Simipour

What is the name trick for Eevee?

To recap, the Eevee nickname tricks are: To evolve Eevee into Vaporeon: Rainer. To evolve Eevee into Jolteon: Sparky. To evolve Eevee into Flareon: Pyro.

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What is the name to Evolve Eevee?

Pokémon Go Eevee evolution names

Eevee Evolution Name/Nickname
Eevee Evolution Name/Nickname
Vaporeon Rainer
Espeon Sakura
Umbreon Tamao
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