Your question: Which state has the highest number of rivers?

Which state has the most rivers?

Answer has 6 votes. Alaska has over 3,000,000 bodies of water, lakes and rivers.

Which state has many rivers in India?

The combined flow of these rivers is known as the Brahmaputra and passes through the plains of Assam and Bangladesh before falling into the Bay of Bengal. From Passighat to Dhubri where it travels in plains of Assam is well known as Brahmaputra valley.

Brahmaputra River System.

State Area
Total 1,94,413 Sq.Km.

What state in the lower 48 has the most rivers?

Indeed, according to the official website for the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, Alaska has 365,000 miles of river, compared with Nebraska’s 79,056 and Texas’ 184,797.

Where has the most rivers in the world?

These are the countries with the most rivers that are 600 miles long or greater.

  • Democratic Republic of Congo and Peru (8 Rivers) Credit: Edelwipix/Shutterstock. …
  • Bolivia and India (10 Rivers) Credit: Dmitry Rukhlenko/Shutterstock. …
  • Brazil (22 Rivers) …
  • China (24 Rivers) …
  • United States of America (28 Rivers) …
  • Russia (36 Rivers)
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12 июл. 2019 г.

What river flows backwards in the US?

The Chicago River Actually Flows Backwards.

Is there a state with no rivers?

However, there are many partial state boundaries, particularly in the Midwest, Northeast, and South, that are defined by rivers; in fact, only five states (Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming) completely lack any borders defined by rivers or waterways.

Which state has no river in India?

Chandigarh is located between the Punjab and Haryana, Punjab to its north and west and Haryana to its east and south. The city is situated at the foot of Shivalik ranges of Himalayas. Chandigarh has no river but it has large lake, Sukhana.

Which state has most river in India?

List of Rivers of India

Sr. No. State Total Number of River
1 Andhra Pradesh 10
2 Assam 10
3 Bihar 11
4 Gujarat 10

Which city is called City of rivers in India?

Cities and Rivers

# City (India) River
1. Delhi Yamuna
2. Agra Yamuna
3. Patna Ganga
4. Haridwar Ganga

Which state has most natural lakes?

Minnesota has the most lakes of any state.

Minnesota may be the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” but Alaska is the state of more than 3 million lakes.

What state has the most navigable rivers?

Kentucky has more miles of running water than any other state except Alaska. The numerous rivers and water impoundments provide 1,100 commercially navigable miles (1,770 kilometers).

Which state has the most waterfront property?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the state with the most shoreline is Alaska, with 33,904 miles. Second place is Florida, with 8,436 miles of coastline. Third is Louisiana’s 7,721 miles.

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Which country has no river?

The smallest country without a river is Vatican City with a land area of 0.171 sq miles (0.445 sq km). It has no lakes, rivers or mountains and depends on Italy for its water supply.

What is biggest river in the world?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

What are the 10 major world rivers?

  • The Nile.
  • The Amazon River.
  • The Yangtze River.
  • The Mississippi River.
  • The Yellow River.
  • The Irtysh River.
  • Rom River.
  • The Congo River.
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