Who is China’s biggest trade partner?

At $20.49 trillion, the United States boasts the largest economy in the world and is China’s largest trading partner. Last year, the total value of bilateral trade between the two countries was $737.1 billion, with U.S. imports from China valued at $557.9 billion and U.S. exports to China valued at $179.3 billion.

Who is #1 trading partner?

China, Canada and Mexico are the country’s largest trading partners, accounting for nearly $1.9 trillion worth of imports and exports.

Is China America’s biggest trading partner?

China is now the EU’s biggest trading partner, overtaking the US in 2020. China bucked a wider trend, as trade with most of Europe’s major partners dipped due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

What is China the largest exporter of?

Searchable List of China’s Most Valuable Export Products

Rank China’s Export Product 2019 Value (US$)
1 Phone system devices including smartphones $224,069,819,000
2 Computers, optical readers $148,463,426,000
3 Integrated circuits/microassemblies $102,187,884,000
4 Processed petroleum oils $38,345,208,000

What are the largest African trading partners of China?

The value of China-Africa trade in 2019 was $192 bn, up from $185 bn in 2018. In 2019, the largest exporter to China from Africa was Angola, followed by South Africa and The Republic of Congo. In 2019, Nigeria was the largest buyer of Chinese goods, followed by South Africa and Egypt.

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Who is us biggest trade partner?

Year-to-Date Total Trade

Rank Country Total Trade
Total, All Countries 332.5
Total, Top 15 Countries 253.2
1 China 52.0
2 Mexico 48.5

Which country has most traders?

Appendix B – The Number of Online Traders by European Country

Rank Country Approx. number of online traders
1 United Kingdom 280000
2 Germany 150000
3 Italy 150000
4 France 130000

Does China rely on the US?

But various data suggest that such a process may be challenging as the two economies have grown more connected over the years. The U.S. and China have been major trading partners for years, and they rely on each other’s supply chain for input into goods and services consumed within their borders.

What is US biggest export?

Services are the biggest US export, with total foreign sales of $778 billion last year. … These are the service industries that bring in the most money: Travel and transportation: $236 billion.

What does US import the most?

What Are the Major U.S. Imports?

  • Machinery (including computers and hardware) – $386.4 billion.
  • Electrical machinery – $367.1 billion.
  • Vehicles and automobiles – $306.7 billion.
  • Minerals, fuels, and oil – $241.4 billion.
  • Pharmaceuticals – $116.3 billion.
  • Medical equipment and supplies – $93.4 billion.

17 дек. 2019 г.

Who buys the most from China?

China’s Top Trading Partners

  • United States: US$418.6 billion (16.8% of China’s total exports)
  • Hong Kong: $279.6 billion (11.2%)
  • Japan: $143.2 billion (5.7%)
  • South Korea: $111 billion (4.4%)
  • Vietnam: $98 billion (3.9%)
  • Germany: $79.7 billion (3.2%)
  • India: $74.9 billion (3%)
  • Netherlands: $73.9 billion (3%)
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8 февр. 2021 г.

How Much Does China owe to us?

Foreign investors hold roughly 40% of the US’ debt

Country Debt held
2 China (mainland) $1.1 trillion
3 UK $425 billion
4 Ireland $331 billion
5 Hong Kong $267 billion

What are the top 3 Imports of China?

China’s Top Imports

  • Crude petroleum – $208 billion.
  • Iron ore – $59.2 billion.
  • Petroleum gas – $44.2 billion.
  • Gold – $36.9 billion.
  • Soybeans – $33,8 billion.

6 нояб. 2020 г.

What is China’s main export to the US?

The top goods exported from China to the U.S. and their total values for 2018 were electrical machinery ($152 billion), machinery ($117 billion), furniture and bedding ($35 billion), toys and sports equipment ($27 billion), and plastics ($19 billion).

Who is Africa’s biggest trade partner?

The largest export and import partner for Africa is the EU-27 with 31 % of exports and 29 % of imports. In exports it was followed by other African countries (16 %) and China (11 %). For imports these two had switched places, second was China (16 %) and third were other African countries (13 %).

Which country imports most from China?

List of largest trading partners of China

No. Country / Region Imports
Total 1,843.7
1 United States 153.9
2 European Union 197.9
3 Japan 165.8
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