Which type of mutation affects the largest number of genes apex?

Which type of mutation affects the largest number of genes answers com?

Insertions and deletions can cause frame shift mutations when base pairs that are not a multiple of three are added to or deleted from the sequence. This type is affects the largest number of genes.

Which type of mutation results when bases are added to a gene apex?

Answer: The correct answer would be option C. The frameshift mutation is a type of mutation in which the reading frame of the codons is changed.

What are the 5 types of gene mutations?

What kinds of gene variants are possible?

  • Missense. A missense variant is a type of substitution in which the nucleotide change results in the replacement of one protein building block (amino acid) with another in the protein made from the gene. …
  • Nonsense. …
  • Insertion. …
  • Deletion. …
  • Duplication. …
  • Frameshift. …
  • Repeat expansion.
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25 мар. 2021 г.

Which mutations would likely cause the greatest impact?

Which of the following mutations is likely to cause the greatest impact on the expression of a gene?

  • Insertion of a base pair in the middle of the coding sequence.
  • Deletion of a base pair in the middle of the coding sequence.
  • Changing a base pair in the middle of the coding Sequence.

What are the 4 types of mutation?


  • Germline mutations occur in gametes. Somatic mutations occur in other body cells.
  • Chromosomal alterations are mutations that change chromosome structure.
  • Point mutations change a single nucleotide.
  • Frameshift mutations are additions or deletions of nucleotides that cause a shift in the reading frame.

5 мар. 2021 г.

What type of mutation affects more genes?

The answer is a chromosomal mutation.

What are the 3 types of point mutations?

There are three types of point mutations: deletions, insertions, and substitutions. Deletions occur when a nucleotide is deleted. Insertions happen when a new nucleotide is inserted into the genome.

Which mutation will cause translation to stop?

A nonsense mutation, or its synonym, a stop mutation, is a change in DNA that causes a protein to terminate or end its translation earlier than expected. This is a common form of mutation in humans and in other animals that causes a shortened or nonfunctional protein to be expressed.

What causes point mutation?

Point mutations are frequently the result of mistakes made during DNA replication, although modification of DNA, such as through exposure to X-rays or to ultraviolet radiation, also can induce point mutations. There are two types of point mutations: transition mutations and transversion mutations.

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What are examples of mutations?

Types of Mutation

  • Substitution Mutations. Substitution mutations are situations where a single nucleotide is changed into another. …
  • Insertions and Deletions. …
  • Large-scale mutations. …
  • Sickle Cell Disease and Malaria. …
  • Klinefelter’s Calicos. …
  • Lactose Tolerance.

28 апр. 2017 г.

Which best describes genetic mutations?

Which best describes genetic mutations?

A) Genetic mutations that cause diseases are always passed on to offspring. B) Some inherited genetic mutations can be good for the offspring.
C) Different genetic mutations cause few forms of cancer. D) Somatic mutations can be inherited from parents or acquired during life.

How do you identify gene mutations?

Single base pair mutations can be identified by any of the following methods: Direct sequencing, which involves identifying each individual base pair, in sequence, and comparing the sequence to that of the normal gene.

What is an example of silent mutation?

Silent mutations are base substitutions that result in no change of the amino acid or amino acid functionality when the altered messenger RNA (mRNA) is translated. For example, if the codon AAA is altered to become AAG, the same amino acid – lysine – will be incorporated into the peptide chain.

What type of mutation is least likely to affect the protein?

The correct answer is (c) substitution. A substitution mutation occurs when one nucleotide is exchanged for another in the DNA sequence.

Which type of mutation is most likely to be the least deleterious?

A point mutation—the change of a single nitrogen base in a DNA sequence—is usually the least harmful type of DNA mutation. Codons are a sequence of three nitrogen bases in a row that are “read” by messenger RNA during transcription.

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