Which state produces highest coconut in India?

The slump has been attributed to erratic weather patterns of heavy rains and drought as well as general neglect of the crop especially in Kerala, the top coconut producer in India. The state, along with Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, account for nearly 85 per cent of the country’s total output.

Which state is the largest producer of coconut in India?

Production(000 Tonnes)

Sr No. State Share(%)
1 Kerala 35.14
2 Karnataka 26.08
3 Tamil Nadu 25.03

Where is the most coconut found in India?

Kerala has regained the top spot in coconut production, surpassing the other major producers – Tamil Nadu and Karnataka – in the 2016-17 agriculture year.

In which state coconut is grown in India?

Traditional areas of coconut cultivation are the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Also Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal, Gujarat, Puducherry and Goa; and the island territories of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar are other areas of coconut production.

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Which district is famous for coconut?

Tumkur is the largest coconut producing district in Karnataka. Nearly one third of area under coconut cultivation and production in Karnataka is contributed by this district alone.

Which state is known as land of coconut?

In India, it is Kerala — which is known as the ‘land of coconuts’ and derives its name from ‘Kera’ meaning coconut tree — which is now looking towards the Centre for more support to take the state to greater heights in coconut production.

Which country is the largest producer of coconut?

Global leading producers of coconuts 2019. Indonesia is the world’s leading coconut producer in 2019, with about 17.13 million metric tons of coconuts produced.

Is coconut A Indian?

While the water-holding coconuts are believed to hail from the Pacific countries of Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia, the fibrous ones are believed to originate in India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Lakshadweep (formerly Laccadive).

Who introduced coconut in India?

The eastward movement is more likely to have happened around 2,250 years ago. The group that moved westward from India to reach the Atlantic was after Vasco da Gama’s 1498 expedition to the Indian Ocean, the authors note. These coconuts moved from India to Africa and to Brazil before finally reaching the Caribbean.

Which state in India is the largest producer of spices?

With an estimated production volume of over three million metric tons, the state of Madhya Pradesh was the largest producer of spices across India in 2020.

Which state produce more coconut in Kerala?

of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Figure 2 shows (same as figure 1) that Kerala is leading coconut-producing state followed by Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Kerala alone producing more than 30 per cent of the total coconut production in India.

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In which season coconut is grown in India?

Under assured irrigation, planting can be done during April also. In low-lying areas, plant the seedlings in September after the cessation of heavy rains. Karnataka: Planting the seedlings during May – June, is ideal for good cultivation. Latitude and Altitude: Coconut is a tropical crop and grows well a hot climate.

How do you increase coconut production?

Regular manuring from the first year of planting is essential to achieve higher productivity. For coconut 20 – 50 kg organic manure should be applied per palm per year with the onset of south west monsoon, when soil moisture content is high.

Where is coconut tree mostly found?

Coconut, Cocos nucifera, from the Latin nux (nut) and fero (I carry), is a large palm of the family Arecaceae. It grows in the subtropical coastal regions of Asia (India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia) and Oceania, where it originates.

Where do we get coconut from?

In the Pacific, coconuts likely were first cultivated on islands in Southeast Asia, meaning the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and perhaps the continent as well. In the Indian Ocean, the likely center of cultivation was the southern periphery of India, including Sri Lanka, the Maldives and the Laccadives.

Which is the best coconut tree in Kerala?

KISSAN – Kerala. Coconut requires an equatorial climate with high humidity. The ideal mean annual temperature is 27ºC with 5-7º diurnal variation. The palm does not withstand prolonged spells of extreme variations.

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