Which one has the largest size BR I?

Answer. iodine has the largest size due to more valance electrons and more shells.

Which of the following will have largest size BR I if?

Br is placed above I in periodic table. Thus Br is smaller than I+,I,I−. Among I+,I,I− the lowest effective nuclear charge is experienced by I−. Thus it has largest size.

Which one has the largest size br i i cl?

Why iodine has a largest size among ,Br,I,I-,Cl.

Is Br or I bigger?

Because Iodine has the greatest atomic number, it has a larger radius. This rules out Br and Cl. I- is Iodine in the 1- oxidation state. This means that is has 1 extra electron, and its radius is therefore greater than I.

Which element is largest in size?

As can be seen in the figures below, the atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a group, and decreases from left to right across a period. Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

Which has a larger radius Cl or Br?

Likewise, bromine will have a larger atomic radius when compared with chlorine.

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Is iodine bigger than chlorine?

Answer: it a matter of atomic size of Cl-atom and I-atom. … On the other hand, atomic size of Iodine is much bigger than that of Chlorine.

Which is bigger F or Cl?

The order in decreasing size would be Cl- > F- > Na+ > Li+. This can be explained by the following logic. Cl- would be the largest because it has the largest number of electrons, i.e. 18. … Similarly Li+ would be the smallest because it has only 2 electrons and therefore the least electron- electron repulsion.

Is bromine bigger than iodine?

For any given group, as you move downward in the periodic table, the size of the atoms increases. For instance, the largest atoms in the halogen family are bromine and iodine (astatine is radioactive and only exists for short periods of time, so we won’t include it in the discussion).

Which among the following O O O 2 has largest size?

Answer. Answer: o has a largest size.

Which is larger k or k+?

The cation of K+ is formed when K loses this outermost single electron to attain “electronic configuration” of: The K+ ion has its outermost electrons on the third energy level now and is size is smaller than that of K ion. Hence, K is larger than K+.

Which has largest radius?

Na has the largest atomic radius. Reason: Li : belongs to the 2nd period. Na and Cl : belong to the 3rd period.

Which is larger F or Li+?

In your case, lithium has an atomic number equal to 3 and fluorine an atomic number equal to 9 . So fluorine has more protons in its nucleus. … As a result, the atomic size of fluorine will be smaller than that of lithium, or, in other words, lithium will have larger atomic radius than fluorine.

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Which atom is the smallest?

Consequently, the smallest atom is helium with a radius of 32 pm, while one of the largest is caesium at 225 pm.

Which has the smallest radius?

Helium has the smallest atomic radius. This is due to trends in the periodic table, and the effective nuclear charge that holds the valence electrons close to the nucleus. Atomic radius decreases as you move across a period from left to right and decreases as you move up a group from bottom to top.

How big is the largest atom?

Which element has the largest atoms? What is the largest atom (in terms of volume not atomic mass or weight)? Cesium (Cs), tucked in the lower left hand corner of the table, has the largest known atoms. The atomic radius of Cs is given variously as 273.1 pm [1], 265 pm [2], 265.5 pm [3] or 260 pm [4].

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