Which of the following is the largest category of federal government expenditures quizlet?

The largest category of federal government spending is: Social Security and Medicare.

What is the largest category of federal government expenditures?

Federal spending can be divided into three general categories: mandatory, discretionary, and interest on the debt. Mandatory spending has numerous parts, but the largest ones are major healthcare programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and Social Security.

What are the three largest categories of expenditures in the federal budget quizlet?

Terms in this set (17)

  • DEFENSE, SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE. The three largest categories of federal government spending.
  • WITHHOLDING. How much is being taken out of your paycheck in taxes.
  • APRIL 15. …
  • W-4. …
  • 401(k) contribution. …
  • I-9. …

What are the 3 largest expenditures for our federal government?

Government spending is broken down into three categories: mandatory spending, budgeted at $2.966 trillion; discretionary spending, forecasted to be $1.485 trillion; and interest on the national debt, estimated to be $378 billion.

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What are the top 5 expenditures for the federal government in 2020?

Fiscal 2020 spending has been dominated by health care, entitlements and the military, with the Health and Human Services Department ($1.3 trillion), Social Security Administration ($1.2 trillion) and Defense Department ($690 billion) the top-three spending agencies.

What are the 12 categories of expenditures in the federal budget?

(1) Social security, (2) national defense, (3) income security, (4) Medicare, (5) health, (6) net interest on debt, (7) education/training/employment & social services, (8) transportation, (9) veterans’ benefits, (10) administration of justice, (11) natural resources & the environment, (12) other.

What are the largest federal government outlays quizlet?

The two largest components of U.S. federal government outlays are transfer payments and direct expenditures. Transfer payments include Social Security benefits, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and unemployment benefits.

What are the major expenditure categories in the US federal budget?

Major expenditure categories are healthcare, Social Security, and defense; income and payroll taxes are the primary revenue sources. The actual and projected budget deficit of the United States federal budget by the CBO.

How much money does the government have 2020?

The federal budget for the 2020 fiscal year was set at $4.79 trillion.

What is the largest expenditure for the state government?

Education topped government spending (860.0 billion), followed by public welfare ($456.7 billion), insurance trust expenditures ($359.8 billion), and utilities ($206.2 billion). Public welfare and education were the biggest expenditures for state governments in 2010 at $404.3 billion and $254.1 billion, respectively.

What is the largest social policy of the federal government?

Social Security Benefits as a Percentage of Total Federal Budget Expenditures. Presently, the Social Security program is the largest single item in the annual federal government budget. As a percentage of total federal expenditures, in 2002 Social Security benefits were approximately 22.6% of federal expenditures.

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How much does the federal government spend annually?

In Fiscal Year 2020, federal spending was equal to31% of the total gross domestic product (GDP), or economic activity, of the United States that year ($21.00 trillion).

Where does the federal government spend its money?

More than half of FY 2019 discretionary spending went for national defense, and most of the rest went for domestic programs, including transportation, education and training, veterans’ benefits, income security, and health care (figure 4).

How much money does the federal government spend each year?

In fiscal year 2019, the federal government spent $4.4 trillion, amounting to 21 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). Of that $4.4 trillion, over $3.5 trillion was financed by federal revenues. The remaining amount ($984 billion) was financed by borrowing.

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