Which is the smallest whale in the world?

The dwarf sperm whale is the smallest of the whales and is even smaller than most of the dolphins.

Which is the smallest whale number?

The smallest known whale in the world is the dwarf sperm whale. When fully grown this whale measures in at around 9 feet long and can weigh between 400 – 600 pounds. Baby whales are even smaller measuring between 3.3 – 4 feet at birth.

What is the second smallest whale?

The Minke Whale is the second smallest Baleen whale (Pygmy Right Whale is the first).

Is the beluga whale the smallest whale?

The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale. Their distinctive color and prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable.

What is the 2nd biggest whale in the world?

Fin whales are the second largest whale species growing up to 85 feet (26 m) long and 160,000 pounds (72.3 metric tons). 2. Fin whales can live for 80 to 90 years.

Is dolphin a whale?

First thing’s first: all dolphins are whales, but not all whales are dolphins. … It may sound confusing, but all dolphins are simply smaller types of whales. The whale order (Cetacea) is divided into several different families, one of them being Delphinidae (this includes all oceanic dolphin species).

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What is the most dangerous whale?

Killer Whales

But the true ruler of the sea is the killer whale. Killer whales are apex predators, which means they have no natural predators. They hunt in packs, much like wolves, which are also at the top of their food chain.

Are sperm whales smarter than humans?

Whales have pretty big brains. In fact, the largest brain on the planet belongs to the sperm whale. The sperm whale brain weighs about five times as much as a human brain. But just because you have a big brain doesn’t necessarily make you smarter.

Is a plane bigger than a whale?

The largest boeing which is also the longest passenger aircraft, boeing747-8 has a much bigger body and is two and half times longer than a blue whale and yet it weighs only 218 tonnes, which is slightly heavier than the largest known blue whale.) Yet nobody knows how large is the biggest dinosaur.

Is there a purple whale?

The minke whale is a black/gray/purple color. Common minke whales (Northern Hemisphere variety) are distinguished from other whales by a white band on each flipper. … Most of the length of the back, including dorsal fin and blowholes, appears at once when the whale surfaces to breathe.

Do orcas eat polar bears?

Orcas are less common in tropical waters. PREY: The orca is at the top of the marine food web. Their diet items include fish, squid, seals, sea lions, walruses, birds, sea turtles, otters, other whales and dolphins, polar bears and reptiles. They even have been seen killing and eating swimming moose.

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Would a beluga whale eat a human?

No, whales do not eat people; they primarily eat small aquatic lifeforms such as fish, squid, and krill, and a few dolphin species are even known to eat marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, walruses, and whales. Still, they are not known for consuming or eating people.

What was bigger than a blue whale?

But now, a newly discovered ichthyosaur could give this normal-looking reptile a claim to fame as the largest animal that ever existed. If size estimates are accurate, this creature could have measured up to 26 meters (85 feet) long — for comparison, blue whales top out around 25 meters (82 feet).

Are whales dangerous?

No, whales aren’t typically dangerous. Actually for the most part whales are generally curious and friendly oceanic creatures. In some cases they can even be seen approaching boats in an attempt to understand what’s going on. Those that aren’t particularly curious are often solitary and shy.

What’s bigger blue whale or sperm whale?

Who eats the most? Sperm whales are the biggest creature with teeth on Earth (the blue whale is much bigger, but is toothless.) Male sperm whales are bigger than females and grow to 60 ft. (18m) in length and weigh up to 62 tons (~125,500 lbs).

How long is the longest whale?

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the baleen whale suborder Mysticeti. Reaching a maximum confirmed length of 29.9 metres (98 ft) and a weight of 173 tonnes (170 long tons; 191 short tons), it is the largest animal known to have existed.

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