Which is the smallest 8 digit number?

So, 10000000 is the smallest 8-digit number.

What is the largest 8 digit number you can make?

We have the digits from 0 to 9 to fill in each of the places such that the final number is the greatest 8 digit number. Hence, the greatest 8-digit number is 99999999. Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

What is a 8 digit number?

A 8-digit number is a number that has 8 digits where the first digit must be 1 or greater. … How many 8-digit numbers are there? Smallest 8-digit number. The smallest 8-digit number is 1 followed by 7 zeros. This number is called ten million.

How do you write 8 digits in words?

10000000 is the smallest 8-digit number. An 8-digit number begins with the crores place in the crores period. Let us consider an 8-digit numeral 73410568. So, we write 73410568 in figures as 7,34,10,568 and in words as seven crore thirty-four lakh ten thousand five hundred sixty-eight.

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What is the smallest 9 digit number?

The smallest 9 digit number is 10,00,00,000 and it is read as ten crores.

What is the highest number of a digit?

The term digits are preferably used in computer science. In mathematics, these digits are said to be numerical digits or sometimes simply numbers. The smallest one-digit number is 1 and the largest one-digit number is 9.

Which is the largest 8 digit number if we add 1 to it what will it become?

Since 99999999 contains 8-digits and also, this is the largest 8-digit number. If we add 1 in 99999999, we get 100000000 which will become 9-digit number. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is the 7 digit greatest number?

The greatest 7-digit number is 99,99,999. The smallest 6-digit number is 1,00,000. Their difference is 99,99,999-1,00,000 = 98,99,999. The predecessor of 98,99,999 is the number that comes just before it, and it is 98,99,998.

What is the greatest number of 6 digit?

Starting from the greatest 6 – digit number, write the previous five numbers in descending order.

  • Hint: Descending order is arrangement of numbers from largest to smallest.
  • Example 100, 45, 22, 18, 2 are in descending order.
  • As you know the greatest 6 – digit number is 999999.

What is 9 digit number called?

For example, 100,000,000 is called One hundred million. So 9 digit numbers are called hundred millions.

What number is 10 00000 more than the largest 8 digit number?

Ans. =1000000+99999999=1010999999.

How many combinations of 8 numbers are there?

Note: 8 items have a total of 40,320 different combinations.

What is the largest seven digit number with two digits the same?

Answer. Answer: The largest 7-digit number is 99,99,999. The successor of 99,99,999 = 99,99,999 + 1 = 1,00,00,000.

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What is greatest and smallest number?

Thus, the greatest number is 8741. To get the smallest number, the smallest digit 1 is placed at thousands-place, next greater digit 4 at hundred’s place, still greater digit 7 at ten’s place and greatest digit 8 at one’s or units place. Thus, the smallest number is 1478.

How much is a 9 digit number?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 100,000,000 (one hundred million) is the natural number following 99,999,999 and preceding 100,000,001.

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