Which is the longest cell?

– In the human body, the nerve cell is the longest cell. Nerve cells are also called neurons that are found in the nervous system. They can be up to 3 feet long.

What cell is the longest cell?

The longest cell is the nerve cell.

Which is the largest and longest cell in human body?

The human egg (ovum) is the largest cell in the body and a nerve cell is the longest cell in the human body.

Which cell is the smallest cell?


  • The Cerebellum’s Granule Cell is the smallest cell in the human body that is between 4 micrometers to 4.5 micrometers long.
  • The RBC ‘s size also found roughly 5 micrometers.
  • Most scientists suggest that sperm is the smallest cell in terms of volume.

What is the oldest cell in the human body?

The oldest cells in the human body are the NEURONS. They do not grow old like the other cells in our body and therefore are not replaced by new cells. They hold the title of longest living cells in the body. While other cells in the body die and regenerate, many neurons remain the same throughout a person’s lifetime.

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Who is the founder of cell?

Initially discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, the cell has a rich and interesting history that has ultimately given way to many of today’s scientific advancements.

Is nerve cell longest cell in human body?

Complete Answer:

– In the human body, the nerve cell is the longest cell. Nerve cells are also called neurons that are found in the nervous system. They can be up to 3 feet long.

What is the largest organ in the body?

The skin is the body’s largest organ.

What is the biggest cell in the female human body?

The ovum is one of the largest cells in the human body, typically visible to the naked eye without the aid of a microscope or other magnification device. The human ovum measures approximately 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) in diameter.

What cell has the shortest lifespan?

Probably neutrophils (granulocytes) have the shortest lifespan of human cells, 4 hours or less. Neutrophils make up about 55–70% of our white blood cells. They are the part of our white blood cells that fight bacterial infections.

How long is the human body designed to live?

The analysis of dynamics of the body mass in human population indicates extremums, which correspond to mean (70–75 years), the commonly accepted maximum (100–110 years) and maximum known (140–160 years) lifespan.

Does blood change every 7 years?

Red blood cells live for about four months, while white blood cells live on average more than a year. Skin cells live about two or three weeks. … There’s nothing special or significant about a seven-year cycle, since cells are dying and being replaced all the time.

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