Which countries share the longest border?

Land border: Canada’s border with the United States is the world’s longest international border, at 8,890 km. This compares with the 6,846-km boundary between Russia and Kazakhstan and the 5,308-km frontier between Chile and Argentina.

Which country has the oldest borders?

The world’s oldest border is Andorra’s 120km border with France and Spain which was fixed in a feudal charter signed on 8 September 1278.

What two states share the longest border?

Find the state that shares the longest land border with any state that has been clicked. The longest border between two US states is Oklahoma-Texas, but neither of these has been clicked. Second is California-Nevada, and California is clicked so that makes Nevada the choice.

Which two countries share the shortest border in the world?

1. Botswana-Zambia: 0.15 kilometers

  • Botswana-Zambia: 0.15 kilometers.
  • Italy-Vatican: 3.2 kilometers.
  • France-Monaco: 4.4 kilometers.
  • Egypt-Palestine: 11 kilometers.
  • North Korea-Russia: 19 kilometers.
  • Croatia-Montenegro: 25 kilometers.
  • Austria-Liechtenstein: 34.9 kilometers.
  • Armenia-Iran: 35 kilometers.
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3 июл. 2013 г.

Which countries share the longest undefended border?

The Canada-United States border, officially known as the International Boundary. The International Boundary is commonly referred to as the world’s longest undefended border, but this is true only in the military sense, as civilian law enforcement is present.

What is the oldest country?

San Marino

What is the oldest city in the world that still exists today?

Damascus, Syria

Damascus is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Its location and persistence have made the city a nexus for civilizations come and gone.

What state has the shortest border with Canada?

Pennsylvania has the shortest border with Canada. The maritime boundary shared with Ontario stretches for 42 miles (68 km) within Lake Erie and demarcates the lake share owned by both countries. Pennsylvania has no land boundary with Canada.

Does Michigan Touch Canada?

There are 13 states that border Canada: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Alaska. Canada is the country to the north of the United States.

What state touches the most states?

The Answer:

It is a tie. Tennessee and Missouri each share borders with eight states.

Which country has no land?

Yes, get ready for this – this is an officially recognised country with no land! Welcome to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The order, complete with its own website has no actual land, yet it is recognised by the UN and maintains diplomatic relations with 107 countries.

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Which country has no ocean?

The most populous landlocked country in the world is Ethiopia, with 101.8 million people; on the opposite side, there’s Vatican City with 820 inhabitants. Europe and Africa have 16 landlocked countries each, Asia has 15 states without coastlines, and the Americas have only two nations without access to open oceans.

What is the strangest country in the world?

And while there’s no scale to measure weirdness, it’s a safe bet that the five countries listed below are among the weirdest in the world.

  • 1 Bhutan.
  • 2 Kazakhstan.
  • 3 North Korea.
  • 4 Belarus.
  • 5 Armenia.

Which city has the longest border in the world?

Kazakhstan – Russia 6,846 kilometers

The international border between Kazakhstan and Russia is the longest continuous international border in the world spanning a distance of 6,846 kilometers.

Which country borders the most?

Technically, we have a tie because both China and Russia have the most neighboring countries with 14 neighbors each. This should not be surprising as Russia and China are the largest political nations in the world.

Which country has largest boundary?

Length of longest international land borders worldwide (in kilometers)

Length in kilometers
Canada – United States 8,893
Kazakhstan – Russia 7,644
Argentina – Chile 6,691
China – Mongolia 4,630
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