Which atom has the largest atomic radius quizlet?

Therefore, rubidium has the largest atomic radius whereas helium has the smallest.

Which atom has the largest atomic radius?

Atomic radii vary in a predictable way across the periodic table. As can be seen in the figures below, the atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a group, and decreases from left to right across a period. Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

Which of the following elements has the largest atomic radius *?

Answer: Aluminum has the largest atomic radius. Explanation: Atomic radius of an atom is defined as the total distance from the nucleus to the valence shell that is outermost shell of the atom.

Which atom has the largest atomic radius K GA BR RB?

Since potassium is located at the start of period 3, and bromine at the end of the same period, potassium will have a larger atomic radius than bromine, and thus the largest atomic radius of the four given atoms.

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What makes an atomic radius bigger?

As the atomic number of an element increases, so does the size of its nucleus and the number of electrons around it. The bigger the atomic number, the larger the atom’s radius. … The growing size is due to the increasing number of filled electron shells as you move down the periodic table.

What has the smallest atomic radius?

Explanation: Helium has the smallest atomic radius. This is due to trends in the periodic table, and the effective nuclear charge that holds the valence electrons close to the nucleus.

What element has the second largest atomic radius?

(A) Trends in the Atomic Radius of Elements in Period 2

Element Li Be
Energy Level being filled (Valence Shell) second (L) second (L)
Nuclear Charge (charge on all protons) 3+ 4+
Atomic Radius (pm) 134 90
General Trend (largest)

How do you find atomic radius?

The radius of an atom can only be found by measuring the distance between the nuclei of two touching atoms, and then halving that distance. As you can see from the diagrams, the same atom could be found to have a different radius depending on what was around it. The left hand diagram shows bonded atoms.

Which atom has the smallest atomic radius quizlet?

Therefore, rubidium has the largest atomic radius whereas helium has the smallest.

Which element has a larger atomic radius than phosphorus?

Atomic Radius of the elements

Helium 31 pm 161 pm
Phosphorus 98 pm 183 pm
Selenium 103 pm 184 pm
Xenon 108 pm 185 pm
Silicon 111 pm 188 pm
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Which has largest radius?

Na has the largest atomic radius. Reason: Li : belongs to the 2nd period. Na and Cl : belong to the 3rd period.

Why does lithium have the largest atomic radius?

The effective nuclear charge is simply a measure of the net positive charge that affects the outermost electrons in an atom. In lithium’s case, the outermost electron is being screened from the nucleus by two core electrons. … That is why lithium has a larger atomic radius than beryllium.

Does atomic radius increase from left to right?

The atomic radius of atoms generally decreases from left to right across a period. The atomic radius of atoms generally increases from top to bottom within a group.

Does atomic radius increase across a period?

In general, atomic radius decreases across a period and increases down a group. … A higher effective nuclear charge causes greater attractions to the electrons, pulling the electron cloud closer to the nucleus which results in a smaller atomic radius.

What atomic radius tells us?

The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atoms, usually the mean or typical distance from the center of the nucleus to the boundary of the surrounding shells of electrons. … The value of the radius may depend on the atom’s state and context.

Does atomic radius increase with atomic number?

1 Answer. The atomic number is the amount of protons present in the atom. Because of that, we can say that the atomic number represents the positive charge of the atom. As the positive charge of the atom increases the atomic radius decreases because the positive charge will bring electrons closer to the nucleus.

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