What was the shortest dinosaur?

Mussaurus (meaning “mouse lizard”) is the smallest complete dinosaur skeleton found, but it is from a hatchling (a baby). It was only 16 inches long (37 cm).

What are the small dinosaurs in lost world?

Compsognathus is one of the smallest known dinosaurs that was first featured in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. This little pack hunter probably ate bugs and small lizards. In fact, the first fossil skeleton of this dinosaur had the remains of its last meal, a lizard, still in its stomach.

What is the rarest dinosaur?

A fossil unearthed in Australia by a volunteer digger has been identified as a rare, toothless dinosaur that roamed the country 110 million years ago. The elaphrosaur, whose name means “light-footed lizard”, was related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor.

What are the 7 groups of dinosaurs?

Michael Benton classifies all dinosaurs within the Series Amniota, Class Sauropsida, Subclass Diapsida, Infraclass Archosauromorpha, Division Archosauria, Subdivision Avemetatarsalia, Infradivision Ornithodira, and Superorder Dinosauria.

What was the smartest dinosaur?

Troodon was a meat-eater the size of a man, with a brain as big as an avocado pit. It was not only the smartest dinosaur, but the smartest animal of dinosaur times, including our ancestors — the mammals of the Mesozoic Era.

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What was the first dinosaur?

For the past twenty years, Eoraptor has represented the beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs. This controversial little creature–found in the roughly 231-million-year-old rock of Argentina–has often been cited as the earliest known dinosaur.

Were there any purple dinosaurs?

Consider the many shades of the Tyrannosaurus Rex: In Jurassic Park, it’s a nondescript grayish-brown; in The Land Before Time, it’s green; Barney the Purple Dinosaur, also a T-rex, is, well, purple.

Which dinosaur is still alive?

Other than birds, however, there is no scientific evidence that any dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, or Triceratops, are still alive. These, and all other non-avian dinosaurs became extinct at least 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

What was the friendliest dinosaur?

Stegosaurus: The Friendliest Dinosaur.

What is a group of Velociraptors called?

The dromaeosaurs were what are popularly known as (especially in Jurassic Park) the “raptors”; a group of fascinating creatures.

What was the biggest dinosaur?


What are two legged dinosaurs called?

Tyrannosaurs and raptors made up only a small percentage of the bipedal, carnivorous dinosaurs known as theropods, which also included such exotic families as ceratosaurs, abelisaurs, megalosaurs, and allosaurs, as well as the earliest dinosaurs of the Triassic period.

What is the most intelligent thing on earth?

CHIMPANZEES. RECKONED to be the most-intelligent animals on the planet, chimps can manipulate the environment and their surroundings to help themselves and their community. They can work out how to use things as tools to get things done faster, and they have outsmarted people many a time.

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Were there any smart dinosaurs?

Troodon had a large brain for its relatively small size and was probably among the smartest dinosaurs. Its brain is proportionally larger than those found in living reptiles, so the animal may have been as intelligent as modern birds, which are more similar in brain size.

What was the lifespan of dinosaurs?

Early estimates of 300-year lifespans for the largest sauropods were based on comparisons with crocodiles and turtles, which have much slower metabolisms. The consensus is now that Apatosaurus and Diplodocus dinosaurs probably only lived for 70 or 80 years, which is about the same as an elephant today.

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