What state has the biggest whitetail bucks?

What state has the best whitetail deer hunting?

Kentucky is one of the most well-managed states for whitetails, with solid herd numbers and great trophy potential. More folks are finding this out, though, and public land competition is way up in the last decade. But for a true Southern whitetail hunt, I’d look to Mississippi.

Where are the largest whitetail deer in North America?

16) Odocoileus virginianus borealis is most likely the largest of the whitetail subspecies and occupies lands from central to eastern Canada south through Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois.

Which state has the most deer?

Texas ranked first, with hunters taking 722,044 deer, compared to 341,288 deer in Michigan, Outdoor Life said. Also in the top five: Pennsylvania (333,254), Wisconsin (316,774) and Georgia (316,463). Texas has an estimated 4.3 million deer, while Michigan has about 1.75 million.

What is the largest whitetail buck ever killed?

What’s more, the Brewster buck is also now the largest whitetail ever killed by a hunter anywhere in the world, topping Stephen Tucker’s 47-point Tennessee monarch , a Nov. 2016 buck that scored 312 0/8 inches.

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What state kills the most deer?

Here’s a rundown of where to go in the top 10 states that over the last decade produced the greatest number of whitetail B&C entries.

  1. Wisconsin. Wisconsin is easily the top producer of B&C whitetails. …
  2. Kentucky. …
  3. Ohio. …
  4. Indiana. …
  5. Iowa. …
  6. Minnesota. …
  7. Illinois. …
  8. Kansas.

28 авг. 2018 г.

Should I hunt over scrapes?

Though does will not paw the earth beneath the licking branch they will leave scent from their nasal and preorbital gland. So, should you bother hunting scrapes? Absolutely! Using mock scrapes to make a buck magnet is an incredibly effective strategy to kill both bucks and does.

Can deer jump an 8 foot fence?

There are several facts you need to keep in mind when installing such a fence. … White-tailed deer can jump almost eight feet high, so effective upright fences against them should be this high. Deer may be able to jump high, but not both high and over a distance.

Who has killed the most 200 inch deer?

Have You Ever Seen or Shot a 200-Inch Buck? David Wozniak is no stranger to hunting mature whitetails. Hailing from the Buckeye State — arguably the best big buck hub in the Midwest — he has killed nearly 25 Pope & Young candidates since he first grabbed a bow at age 13.

What is the hardest deer to hunt?

Coues Deer

Resembling a slight, gray whitetail, bucks rarely grow more than 130 inches of antler. But the real draw to hunting Coues deer is the challenge of pursuing them in the rough country where they thrive.

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Which state hunts the most?

Texas leads the nation in number of hunters but it is also the largest state in the whitetail’s range, so hunter density is light.

What state sells the most hunting licenses?

The F&WS collects this information annually from every state and U.S. territory. Texas sold the most licenses, over 1 million; and Rhode Island sold the fewest, around 8,000. Those numbers represent individual hunters in each state, but many hunters buy licenses in several states.

Can you tell how big a buck is by a rub?

In most cases it’s safe to assume a deep, gouging rub on a tree that is 5-inches or more in diameter was made by a mature buck. Still, there are other clues that tell you more about the size of the deer that made the rub. Another factor in the equation is time of year.

Will an 8 point buck always be an 8 point?

No, in California it will probably be a 4-point buck but on the East coast it’s an 8-point buck. Generally, the West coast refers to the highest count on one side while the East coast refers to the total points.

What’s considered a trophy buck?

For many hunters, a trophy whitetail deer is defined by age. This is for a couple reasons. For one, a young buck (say, two or three years old) with a 8 or 10 point rack has the potential to mature into an older buck with high-scoring 10 or 12 point antlers, long tines, and heavy main beam.

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