What is the smallest number of 7 digit?

The smallest 7-digit number is 10,00,000 and the greatest 7-digit number is 99,99,999.

What is a 7 digit number?

The smallest 7-digit number is 1 followed by 6 zeros. This number is called one million. Largest 7-digit number. The largest 7-digit number is 9 followed by another 6 nines. This number is called nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine.

How many 7 digits are there?

So total number of 7 digit numbers=9999999 – 1000000+1). Out of 9000000 numbers, 4500000 are having the sum of digits as even and the remaining 4500000 are having the sum of digits as odd. Every alternate number has its sum of digits even and odd. There are 9000000 seven digit numbers.

What is the smallest 8 digit number?

So, 10000000 is the smallest 8-digit number.

What is the smallest 7 digit number ending in 5?

Answer: the smallest 7-digit no. ending in 5 is -99995.

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Which is the 6 digit smallest number?

(iv) On adding one to the largest five digit number, we get 100000 which is the smallest six digit number.

What number has 7 in the hundreds place?

In the number 0.07 the 7 is in the hundredths place and is the same as the fraction 7/100.

Ten to the Power.

Millions 7,000,000 7×106
Tens 70 7×101
Ones 7 7×100
Tenths 0.7 7×10-1
Hundredths 0.07 7×10-2

How many 8 digit no are there in all?

Do you know how many 8-digit numbers are there in all? Answer: There are nine crore 8-digit numbers in all.

How many 6 digit numbers are there?

∴ there are 900,000 6-digit numbers in all.

Is it possible to create a 7 digit number whose digits are in ascending order?

7-digit number whose digits are in ascending order (from left to right) and gives the same answer when rounded off to the nearest thousand and ten thousand. SOLUTION : … Values in 5,6,7 digit place , (from left ) can be any values in ascending order from left. Such as 987, 432,654, etc.

What is 9 digit greatest number?

  • There are 900 million 9 digit numbers.
  • The smallest 9 digit number is 10,00,00,000 and it is read as ten crores.
  • The largest 9 digit number is 99,99,99,999.

What is greatest and smallest number?

Thus, the greatest number is 8741. To get the smallest number, the smallest digit 1 is placed at thousands-place, next greater digit 4 at hundred’s place, still greater digit 7 at ten’s place and greatest digit 8 at one’s or units place. Thus, the smallest number is 1478.

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What is a 8-digit number called?

The smallest 8-digit number is 1 followed by 7 zeros. This number is called ten million. The largest 8-digit number is 9 followed by another 7 nines. This number is called ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine.

Which will be the smallest number of 7 digit using 0123456?

So , smallest 7 digit number now is 1023456.

When we subtract 1 from smallest 7 digit number we will get greatest digit number?

Note: Here, we might get confused and take 1000000 as the greatest 7 digit number and 99999 as smallest 5 digit number. 1000000 is the smallest 7 digit number here and not the greatest because if subtract 1 from it we will get 999999 which is a 6 digit number and not 7 digit number.

What is the smallest 7 digit number having four different digits?

Thus the smallest 7 digit number with four digits will be 1000023.

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