What is the smallest negative number?

The smallest negative number is a 1 followed by 31 zeros which is interpreted as −231. Because twos’ complement is essentially arithmetic modulo 232, it would be equally logical to interpret it as 231. The negative value is chosen so that the negative integers are precisely those with a 1 as the most significant bit.

What is the lowest negative number?

There are an infinite number of negative integers as they approach negative infinity. So there is no smallest negative integer. the set of negative integers is { -1, -2, -3, …}. The greatest negative integer is -1.

Is there a smallest negative integer?

Explain. There is no “smallest negative integer.” You can have an infinite number of negative numbers.

Is a negative number smaller than zero?

In mathematics, a negative number is a real number that is less than zero. Negative numbers represent opposites. If positive represents a movement to the right, negative represents a movement to the left. If positive represents above sea level, then negative represents below sea level.

Is the smallest negative integer True or false?

Integers can be negative as well as positive. All negative integers are smaller than zero. Hence the statement is false.

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Which negative number is closest to zero?

For negative numbers, it’s opposite of positive numbers. Rule # 3 says with negative numbers, the integer closest to zero is of greater value. For the two negative integers, if I draw a line from zero to each of them, -1.2 is closest to zero. Using this rule, -1.2 is the larger of the two negative numbers.”

What is the biggest negative number?

−0.0000…1, but this number, as defined by Cantor, is 0.

Which is smallest integer?

The smallest integer is zero.

Is there a least positive integer?

So for all positive integer that it is greater than or equal to 1, and 1 is the least positive integer.

Is there a greatest positive integer?

Originally Answered: Which is the greatest positive integer? There is none. There is neither a smallest or a greatest integer. For every integer is a bigger/greater integer and is smaller.

Is 0 positive or negative integer?

Zero is neither positive or negative. It’s bigger than any negative number, but smaller than every positive number.

Is 0 a real number?

What Are Real Numbers? Edit. Real numbers consist of zero (0), the positive and negative integers (-3, -1, 2, 4), and all the fractional and decimal values in between (0.4, 3.1415927, 1/2). Real numbers are divided into rational and irrational numbers.

Is 0 a rational number?

Yes, 0 is a rational number. Since we know, a rational number can be expressed as p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero.

What are the first four negative integers?

The first four negative integers are (-1),(-2),(-3) and (-4).

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Is every positive integer is larger than every negative integer?

(i) Zero is less than every positive integer, and greater than every negative integer. Zero is neither positive nor negative. For example, 0 < 1, 0 < 10, etc. … (ii) Every positive integer is greater than every negative integer.

Is 0 a smallest rational number?

Zero is the smallest rational number. If you are considering the all the rational numbers, then NO. There are numbers behind(or to the left) of zero in the number line(negative rational numbers). Hence zero is not the smallest rational number.

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