What is the largest crocodile that ever existed?

What is the largest crocodile ever recorded?

Lolong (6.17 meters / 20 feet 3 in) – the largest crocodile ever measured. At 6.17 meters (20 feet 3 in), Lolong is the biggest crocodile ever measured.

How big was the biggest prehistoric crocodile?

Some 75 million years ago, gigantic, 33-foot-long crocodiles roamed the Earth, a new study reports. Known as Deinosuchus (Latin for “terror crocodiles”), these creatures were among the largest crocs ever in existence, researchers said.

How big was the Super Croc?

At 40 feet long and 17,500 pounds, Super Croc was so big and mean when it lived 110 million years ago that it exploded out of rivers to grab and eat dinosaurs.

Is Purussaurus bigger than deinosuchus?

By the latest estimates Purussaurus is over a meter longer than Deinosuchus. More recent sources puts Purussaurus at 36 feet long. While for Deinosuchus it is 40 feet long.

Can a gharial kill a human?

GHARIALS DON’T HUNT HUMANS (BUT CORPSES ARE ON THE MENU). With their specialized jaws, gharials just aren’t built to take down big land animals—including us. … Not one of these interactions resulted in the loss of human life. Still, while the beasts don’t kill people, they do scavenge our cadavers.

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Do sharks eat crocodiles?

Both sharks and alligators gather in large numbers to feed, and alligators were far more numerous in the 19th century than today. … But in many cases the crocodilians were the prey, from great white sharks preying on American crocodiles in Colombia, to tiger sharks eating estuarine crocodiles in Australia.

Are sharks dinosaurs?

Today’s sharks are descended from relatives that swam alongside dinosaurs in prehistoric times. … It lived just after the dinosaurs, 23 million years ago, and only went extinct 2.6 million years ago.

Is Gustave the crocodile Still Alive 2020?

In 2019, Travel Africa Magazine stated that Gustave had been killed.

How big was a prehistoric spider?

In 1980 paleontologist Mario Hunicken made a startling announcement; he had found the remains of the largest spider to have ever lived. Discovered in the approximately 300 million year old rock of Argentina, this prehistoric arachnid appeared to have a body over a foot in length and a leg span of over 19 inches.

Were there alligators in dinosaur times?

Deinosuchus (/ˌdaɪnəˈsjuːkəs/) is an extinct genus of crocodilian related to the modern alligator that lived 82 to 73 million years ago (Ma), during the late Cretaceous period. The name translates as “terrible crocodile” and is derived from the Greek deinos (δεινός), “terrible”, and soukhos (σοῦχος), “crocodile”.

What did the Super Croc eat?

Judging by the length and shape of its snout, though, it’s likely that the SuperCroc ate fish pretty much exclusively (gigantic theropods equipped with similar snouts, like Spinosaurus, also enjoyed piscivorous diets), only feasting on dinosaurs when the opportunity was too good to pass up.

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Is a crocodile classed as a dinosaur?

Some other non-dinosaur reptiles are also archosaurs, including pterosaurs (the now-extinct flying reptiles) and modern crocodiles and their ancestors. These and many other types of ancient reptiles are often wrongly called dinosaurs. Marine reptiles, such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs are not dinosaurs.

What was the biggest dinosaur?


When did Purussaurus go extinct?

About Purussaurus

Purussaurus is an extinct prehistoric crocodile which lived approximately 8 million years ago during the Late Miocene Period.

Did sarcosuchus live with Spinosaurus?

Sarcosuchus May Have Tangled With Spinosaurus

Although it’s unlikely that Sarcosuchus deliberately hunted dinosaurs for lunch, there’s no reason it had to tolerate other predators that competed with it for limited food resources.

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