Quick Answer: Who is the largest US exporter?

Rank Country/District Exports
World 1,546,273
European Union 283,269
1 China 129,894
2 Canada 282,265

Who is America’s largest exporter?


  • Apple: US$267.7 billion, up 8.2% from 2018.
  • ExxonMobil: $256 billion, up 11.3%
  • Ford Motor: $149.9 billion, down -6.1%
  • Chevron: $140.1 billion, up 0.5%
  • General Motors: $137.2 billion, down -5%
  • Johnson & Johnson: $82.8 billion, up 5.2%
  • Intel: $75.7 billion, up 18.3%
  • Procter & Gamble: $70.3 billion, up 5.9%

26 авг. 2020 г.

What are the top 10 US exports?

America’s Top 10 Exports

  • Spacecraft and aircraft – $131 billion. …
  • Cars – $127 billion. …
  • Petroleum – $106 billion. …
  • Medical equipment – $83 billion. …
  • Plastics – $60 billion. …
  • Gems, precious metals, and coins – $58 billion. …
  • Pharmaceuticals – $47 billion. …
  • Organic chemicals – $39 billion.

5 июн. 2017 г.

Who is the US largest trading partner?

China, Canada and Mexico are the country’s largest trading partners, accounting for nearly $1.9 trillion worth of imports and exports.

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What are the United States major exports?

Соединенные Штаты Америки/Основные статьи экспорта

What is China’s main export to the US?

The top goods exported from China to the U.S. and their total values for 2018 were electrical machinery ($152 billion), machinery ($117 billion), furniture and bedding ($35 billion), toys and sports equipment ($27 billion), and plastics ($19 billion).

What is America’s biggest import?

What Are the Major U.S. Imports?

  • Machinery (including computers and hardware) – $386.4 billion.
  • Electrical machinery – $367.1 billion.
  • Vehicles and automobiles – $306.7 billion.
  • Minerals, fuels, and oil – $241.4 billion.
  • Pharmaceuticals – $116.3 billion.
  • Medical equipment and supplies – $93.4 billion.

17 дек. 2019 г.

What food does the US import?

United States agriculture imports total $127.6 billion with coffee and cocoa, fresh and processed vegetables, and grains and feeds accounting for the majority.

How much food does US import from China?

The U.S. imported $4.6 billion in agricultural products from China in 2017. The top U.S. import commodities from China are fruits and vegetables (fresh/processed), snack food, spices, and tea – the combined which accounts for nearly one-half of the total U.S. agricultural imports from China.

Where does the US get its oil?

The top five source countries of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2019 were Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Colombia.

Which country has the most trade?

The United States is the world’s largest trading nation, with over $5.6 trillion in exports and imports of goods and services in 2019.

What percentage of US imports come from China?

U.S. goods imports from China account for 18.1% of overall U.S. goods imports in 2019.

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Who are the top 5 trading partners for the USA?

Year-to-Date Total Trade

Rank Country Total Trade
Total, All Countries 332.5
Total, Top 15 Countries 253.2
1 China 52.0
2 Mexico 48.5

What is the United States most valuable export?

Searchable List of America’s Most Valuable Export Products

Rank US Export Product 2020 Value (US$)
1 Processed petroleum oils $60,709,450,000
2 Crude oil $50,285,962,000
3 Cars $45,642,596,000
4 Integrated circuits/microassemblies $44,212,664,000

What does the US import from China?

Its top three import product categories are the same for the U.S. overall: Machinery & Electrical, followed by Miscellaneous, then Textiles. From January to June 2020, these three categories made up a combined 50% of China’s exports to the U.S. and roughly 41% of overall U.S. imports.

What does China produce the most?

There are nearly 300 million Chinese farmers, larger than the entire population of every country except China, India and the U.S. Rice is the dominant agricultural product in China, but the country is also very competitive in wheat, tobacco, potatoes, peanuts, millet, pork, fish, soybeans, corn, tea, and oilseeds.

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