Quick Answer: Which state has the largest Asian population?

About one-half of the Asian American population lived in the West, with California having the most total Asian Americans of any state, at 4.2 million.

What US city has the largest Asian population?

Cities with the highest number of Asian-Americans

City Total population (2010) Asian-American, alone
New York, NY 8,175,133 1
Los Angeles, CA 3,792,621 2
San Jose, CA 945,942 3

Which state has the highest Chinese population?

The state of Hawaii has the highest concentration of Chinese Americans at 4.0%, or 55,000 people.

Where is the highest concentration of Asian population in the US?

This statistics shows the leading metropolitan areas in the United States in 2019 with the highest percentage of Asian population. Among the 78 largest metropolitan areas, Urban Honolulu,Hawaii was ranked first with 61.4 percent of residents reporting as Asian in 2019.

Which US cities have the most Chinese?

Large-sized cities

Rank City Chinese-Americans
1 San Francisco 180,372
2 Irvine 34,022
3 Oakland 34,106
4 San Jose 75,582

Which US city has the most Japanese?

Large cities

Rank City Japanese-Americans
1 Honolulu 86,612
2 Sacramento 6,642
3 Seattle 8,979
4 San Francisco 11,410
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How many Chinese live in USA?

The population of Chinese immigrants in the United States has grown nearly seven-fold since 1980, reaching almost 2.5 million in 2018, or 5.5 percent of the overall foreign-born population.

What is the blackest city in America?

Cities with the highest percentage of African American people

Rank City Percentage of African Americans
1 Detroit, MI 82.7
2 Gary, IN 80.92
3 Jackson, MS 79.4
4 Chester, PA 77.8

Which country has the largest Chinese population?

The highest concentration of Chinese communities can be found in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Overseas Chinese population in Thailand is 9,392,792 (2012) makes up approximately 11% of the entire population. This is the Country with the largest Chinese population outside China.

What US cities have Chinatowns?


  • New York City (549,181)
  • San Francisco (179,644)
  • Los Angeles (77,284) San Gabriel Valley core cities and CDPs (additional 225,543) …
  • San Jose (72,141)
  • Honolulu (53,119)
  • Chicago (51,809)
  • San Diego (40,033)
  • Philadelphia (35,732)

What city has the largest Chinatown?

While the Flushing Chinatown in Queens has become the largest Chinatown in the world, it has also become the epicenter of organized prostitution in the United States. Flushing is undergoing rapid gentrification by Chinese transnational entities.

Where is the largest Chinatown in the world?

The Manhattan Chinatown contains the largest concentration of ethnic Chinese in the Western hemisphere; while the Flushing Chinatown in Queens has become the world’s largest Chinatown, but conversely, has also emerged as the epicenter of organized prostitution in the United States.

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