Quick Answer: What is the 6th smallest planet?

Equatorial Circumference 15,329 km
Surface Temperature -173 to 427°C

What is the 7th largest planet?

Biggest Planets In Our Solar System

Rank Planet Diameter (Km)
5 Earth 12,756
6 Venus 12,104
7 Mars 6,779
8 Mercury 4,849

Who is the sixth planet?

Saturn is the sixth planet from our Sun (a star) and orbits at a distance of about 886 million miles (1.4 billion kilometers) from the Sun.

What are the 9 planets in order?

The order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward is the following: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then the possible Planet Nine. If you insist on including Pluto, it would come after Neptune on the list.

What are the smallest planets in order?

If we put our planets in ‘size order’ they would be listed as the following, from large to small: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Since we lost Pluto as an official planet, it appears that Mercury is now considered the smallest planet in the solar system.

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Is the sun a planet?

Of the objects that orbit the Sun directly, the largest are the eight planets, with the remainder being smaller objects, the dwarf planets and small Solar System bodies.

Solar System.

Planetary system
Stars 1 (Sun)
Known planets 8 (Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune)

Why is Uranus lying on its side?

The ice giant is surrounded by 13 faint rings and 27 small moons as it rotates at a nearly 90-degree angle from the plane of its orbit. This unique tilt makes Uranus appear to spin on its side, orbiting the Sun like a rolling ball.

Can we live on Saturn?

At least, you wouldn’t be able to live on Saturn like you’d live on Earth, or perhaps even Mars. Saturn is what we call a “gas giant.” It is a planet made up most of hydrogen and helium. This means that there is no solid surface on Saturn, Well, that we know of, anyway. … Saturn doesn’t have any of that.

Is Mercury the hottest planet?

On its sunny side, Mercury can reach a scorching 800 degrees Fahrenheit! (But Mercury is not the hottest planet in the solar system. The hottest planet is Venus.) On its dark side, Mercury gets very cold because it has almost no atmosphere to hold in heat and keep the surface warm.

Is Uranus the 7th planet?

Uranus orbits our Sun, a star, and is the seventh planet from the Sun at a distance of about 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers).

What planet is the hottest?

Venus is the exception, as its proximity to the Sun and dense atmosphere make it our solar system’s hottest planet. The average temperatures of planets in our solar system are: Mercury – 800°F (430°C) during the day, -290°F (-180°C) at night. Venus – 880°F (471°C)

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Why is Pluto no longer a planet?

Answer. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of Pluto to that of a dwarf planet because it did not meet the three criteria the IAU uses to define a full-sized planet. Essentially Pluto meets all the criteria except one—it “has not cleared its neighboring region of other objects.”

What are the 15 planets?

Planets in Our Solar System

  • Mercury. Mercury—the smallest planet in our solar system and closest to the Sun—is only slightly larger than Earth’s Moon. …
  • Venus. Venus spins slowly in the opposite direction from most planets. …
  • Earth. …
  • Mars. …
  • Jupiter. …
  • Saturn. …
  • Uranus. …
  • Neptune.

Does Pluto is a planet?

According to the International Astronomical Union, the organization charged with naming all celestial bodies and deciding on their statuses, Pluto is still not an official planet in our solar system. … Soon after Pluto was discovered in 1930, it was designated a planet, the ninth in our solar system.

What planet is bigger than the sun?

Although the Sun looks small from Earth, it is really much, much bigger than our planet (and any other planet in the solar system).

Big, Bigger, Biggest.

Body Diameter (Earth = 1)
Jupiter 11.19
Saturn 9.40
Uranus 4.04
Neptune 3.88
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