Question: Which is expected to have the largest dispersion forces C12H26?

The one I would expect to have the largest dispersion forces would be the largest and heaviest molecule. This is evidenced by the fact that that molecule is a liquid at room temperature while all the others are gases. Therefore the answer to this is C12H26 which is a wax and a liquid at room temperature.

Which is expected to have the largest dispersion force?

The strength of dispersion forces generally increases with the number of electrons in the atom or molecule. Since C8H18 has a lot more electrons than any of the other compounds, it will have the largest dispersion forces.

What compounds have dispersion forces?

These London dispersion forces are often found in the halogens (e.g., F2 and I2), the noble gases (e.g., Ne and Ar), and in other non-polar molecules, such as carbon dioxide and methane. London dispersion forces are part of the van der Waals forces, or weak intermolecular attractions.

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What are dispersion forces caused by?

The attraction between neighboring molecules causes dispersion forces. The electron cloud of one molecule becomes attracted to the nucleus of another molecule, so the distribution of electrons changes and creates a temporary dipole.

Are London dispersion forces the strongest?

London dispersion forces, under the category of van der Waal forces: These are the weakest of the intermolecular forces and exist between all types of molecules, whether ionic or covalent—polar or nonpolar. The more electrons a molecule has, the stronger the London dispersion forces are.

What is the strongest type of intermolecular force in F2?

Hydrogen Bonding (H-Bonding)

Hydrogen bonds are caused by highly electronegative atoms. They only occur between hydrogen and oxygen, fluorine or nitrogen, and are the strongest intermolecular force.

Is F2 London dispersion?

The London Dispersion Forces in I2 are strong enough to keep I2 solid at room temperature; where as, F2 is a gas at room temperature. In general London Dispersion Forces are considered to be the weakest intermolecular force; however, London Dispersion Forces become very important for larger molecules.

What are the strongest to weakest intermolecular forces?

In order from strongest to weakest, the intermolecular forces given in the answer choices are: ion-dipole, hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, and Van der Waals forces.

Why is London dispersion the weakest force?

The weakest of these forces is the London dispersion force, one of the Van der Waals forces. … This force is weaker in smaller atoms and stronger in larger ones because they have more electrons that are farther from the nucleus and are able to move around easier.

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Which compound has only London dispersion forces?

Exhibits dipole and London dispersion forces but no hydrogen bonding since it has no H covalently bonded to the O. Propane, C3H8, has 3(4) + 8(1) = 20 valence electrons. Propane only has relatively nonpolar bonds, so it is nonpolar. Propane exhibits only London dispersion forces.

Why are dispersion forces attractive?

The London dispersion force is a temporary attractive force that results when the electrons in two adjacent atoms occupy positions that make the atoms form temporary dipoles. … Dispersion forces are present between any two molecules (even polar molecules) when they are almost touching.

What is another name for dispersion force?

London dispersion forces (LDF, also known as dispersion forces, London forces, instantaneous dipole–induced dipole forces, Fluctuating Induced Dipole Bonds or loosely as van der Waals forces) are a type of force acting between atoms and molecules that are normally electrically symmetric; that is, the electrons are …

Why are ion dipole forces the strongest?

Ion-dipole forces are stronger than dipole interactions because the charge of any ion is much greater than the charge of a dipole; the strength of the ion-dipole force is proportionate to ion charge. … These intermolecular ion-dipole forces are much weaker than covalent or ionic bonds.

Which attractive force is the weakest?

Dispersion forces are the weakest intermolecular force (one hundredth-one thousandth the strength of a covalent bond), hydrogen bonds are the strongest intermolecular force (about one-tenth the strength of a covalent bond).

Is Van der Waals bond the weakest?

Van der Waals forces are the weakest intermolecular force and consist of dipole-dipole forces and dispersion forces.

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Which gas has the weakest London dispersion forces?

The dispersion forces are progressively weaker for bromine, chloride, and fluorine; this is illustrated in their steadily lower melting and boiling points. Bromine is a liquid at room temperature, while chlorine and fluorine are gases whose molecules are much further apart from one another.

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