Question: What is the highest altitude a plane can fly?

Question: What is the highest altitude an airplane can fly? Answer: The highest commercial airliner altitude was 60,000 feet by Concorde. The highest military air-breathing engine airplane was the SR-71 — about 90,000 feet. The highest airliner flying today reaches 45,000 feet.

What happens if a plane flies too high?

When the plane gets too high, there is insufficient oxygen to fuel the engines. “The air is less dense at altitude, so the engine can suck in less and less air per second as it goes higher and at some point the engine can no longer develop sufficient power to climb.” …

Can planes fly at 50000 feet?

It was set in an SR-71 Blackbird in 1976. The speed record is also held by an SR-71, at 2,193 mph. This is not as high or as fast as the airplane can fly, however, it’s absolute speed and altitude limits are classified. Most US military aircraft can exceed 50,000 feet, if they really really try.

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Can you see a plane at 35000 feet?

Planes flying eastward (including northeast and southeast) will fly at odd altitudes (i.e. 35,000 feet) and all other directions will fly at even altitudes.

What is the highest altitude a 747 can fly?

The 747 max altitude is 45,100 ft. The 757 max altitude is 42,000 ft. The 767 max altitude is 43,100 ft.

Can a plane accidentally fly into space?

The bottom line is that airplanes can’t fly in space because there is no air in space. Airplanes rely on air to produce both lift and propulsion. Since there isn’t any air in space, airplanes must stay within the Earth’s atmosphere.

Can an airplane stay still in the air?

Can an Airplane stand still in mid-air? Technically, it is possible for an airplane to hover for a few moments, but only in the rarest of circumstances. If weight and lift cancel each other out at the same exact time that thrust and drag cancel each other out, the plane would hover until one of these variables changed.

How far can a pilot see at 35000 feet?

If you look up into space you are looking through about 62 miles of atmosphere, at 35,000 feet you will be looking through almost 230 miles of atmosphere to see the horizon.

Do Planes fly over Mount Everest?

Airplanes often avoid air paths that take them over Mt Everest or the Pacific Ocean. … This is because “the Himalayas have mountains higher than 20,000 feet, including Mt Everest standing at 29,035 feet. However, most commercial airplanes can fly at 30,000 feet.”

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Why do jets fly at 35000 feet?

A balance between operating costs and fuel efficiency is achieved somewhere around 35,000 feet, which is why commercial aeroplanes usually fly at that altitude.

How cold is it at 35000 feet?

How cold is it up there? The higher you get, the colder it gets, up until 40,000 feet. If the temperature at ground level was 20C, at 40,000 feet it would be -57C. At 35,000 feet the air temperature is about -54C.

Why do planes do not fly over the Pacific?

The primary reason airplanes don’t fly over the Pacific Ocean is because curved routes are shorter than straight routes. Flat maps are somewhat confusing because the Earth itself isn’t flat. Rather, it’s spherical. As a result, straight routes don’t offer the shortest distance between two locations.

Are planes checked before every flight?

Some people think that before taking off in an airplane the pilot simply has a casual glance at it. Perhaps he kicks the types, checks the fuel gauges to makes sure he has enough fuel, and then just departs. But this is very far from the case. All good pilots use pre-flight checklists before every flight.

Can a plane fly at 60000 feet?

Some aircraft can fly higher

Concorde has been the only significant exception amongst commercial aircraft. It could fly up to 60,000 feet due to the increased lift generated when flying at much higher speeds. At low altitudes, drag would prevent it from reaching its high speeds.

What is the fastest jet in the world?

The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is the fastest jet aircraft in the world, reaching speeds of Mach 3.3–that’s more than 3,500 kph (2,100 mph) and almost four times as fast as the average cruising speed of a commercial airliner. Key elements of the SR-71’s design made this possible.

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Which is faster 747 or 777?

Question: What is the fastest airliner and how fast does it fly? — submitted by reader James Kriplean, Knoxville, Tenn. Answer: The Boeing 747 can cruise at 92% of the speed of sound, Mach . … A 777 engine may be equal to two 747 engines, but the wing is not designed to take such a large engine in one place.

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