Question: What are the top 10 largest counties in the United States?

What are the largest counties in the United States by population?

The 25 largest counties in the United States in 2019, by population (in millions)

County Resident population in million
Los Angeles County, California 10.04
Cook County, Illinois 5.15
Harris County, Texas 4.71
Maricopa County, Arizona 4.49

What is the largest county in the United States by land area?

San Bernardino County, in California, is the largest county in the United States by area, containing more land than each of nine states. At 20,105 square miles (52,072 square kilometers), the county is larger in area than the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Delaware combined.

What is the smallest county in the United States?

Kalawao County, Hawaii is the smallest administrative unit in the United States that is explicitly called a county (map). It has a landmass of 13.21 square miles.

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What states have 100 counties?

List Of U.S. States And Number of Counties In Each

Serial State Name Number of counties
28. North Carolina 100
29. Virginia 133
30. Arkansas 75
31. Alabama 67

Which state has the largest county?

The largest counties in the United States are all situated in the western part of the country. The state of Alaska is exempted seeing as there are no counties in that state, but instead census areas and boroughs.

Largest Counties In The US By Area.

Rank 1
County San Bernardino County
State California
Total Area (mi²) 20,105.32

Is there a county in the US with no population?

There are currently 3,007 counties spread out across the country; Texas has 254, while Delaware only has three, the fewest of any US state. Due to its origins as an area to quarantine island lepers, Kalawao County in Hawaii is the least populated county in the United States.

What two states have no counties?

In addition to Louisiana and Alaska having no counties, there are two states, Connecticut and Rhode Island, that are divided into geographic regions called counties, but those counties do not have functioning governments, as defined by the Census Bureau.

What is the biggest state in the US?


What is the second largest county in the United States?

List of largest counties

Rank County Total area
1 San Bernardino County 20,105.32 sq mi (52,072.5 km2)
2 Coconino County 18,661.21 sq mi (48,332.3 km2)
3 Nye County 18,158.73 sq mi (47,030.9 km2)
4 Elko County 17,202.94 sq mi (44,555.4 km2)
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What is the blackest city in America?

Cities with the highest percentage of African American people

Rank City Percentage of African Americans
1 Detroit, MI 82.7
2 Gary, IN 80.92
3 Jackson, MS 79.4
4 Chester, PA 77.8

Which US state is the blackest?

By 2019 census estimates

% African- American Rank State or territory
76.0% 1 Virgin Islands (U.S.)
47.2% 2 District of Columbia
38.9% 3 Mississippi
33.5% 4 Georgia

Who has the smallest state?

The top three largest states in size are Alaska, Texas, and California. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the US by land area, while Delaware is the second smallest, and Connecticut is the third smallest.

Who is the head of a county in USA?

State law provides that counties are headed by an elected county executive who uses the title of “county mayor.” Exceptions are the three counties (Davidson, Moore, and Trousdale) that have consolidated city-county government, where the position is not used, and certain counties where a private act of the state …

What is the newest county in the US?

The newest county in the United States is the city and county of Broomfield, Colorado, established in 2001 as a consolidated city-county, previously part of four counties.

Do Counties cross state lines?

Geographic Hierarchy

For example, a line extends from states to counties because a state is comprised of many counties, and a single county can never cross a state boundary. … For example, many places are confined to one county. However, some places extend over more than one county, such as New York City.

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