How many Earths can fit in the biggest star?

About 7.5477×1010 earths can fit in VY Canis Majoris.

How many suns can fit in the biggest star?

A: The biggest star size-wise is VY Canis Majoris, which is about 2,000 times wider than our sun. You can fit 9.3 billion of our suns into VY Canis Majoris. This star is about 4,900 light years from Earth and is found in the constellation Canis Major.

What is the biggest star ever found?

The largest known star in the universe is UY Scuti, a hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the sun. And it’s not alone in dwarfing Earth’s dominant star.

How many Earths can fit in the universe?

By dividing the two volumes we get a factor of 3.2⋅1059, or written as decimal number: The observable comoving volume of the universe is about 320,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-times the volume of Earth.

How many Jupiters can fit in the sun?

Answer and Explanation:

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According to multiple studies, around 1,000 Jupiters could fit into the Sun.

Which is bigger sun or star?

It turns out that our Sun is an average sized star. … We have found stars that are 100 times bigger in diameter than our sun. Truly, those stars are enormous. We have also seen stars that are just one tenth the size of our sun.

What is the biggest thing in the universe?

The largest known structure in the Universe is called the ‘Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall’, discovered in November 2013. This object is a galactic filament, a vast group of galaxies bound together by gravity, about 10 billion light-years away.

What is the hottest star color?

White stars are hotter than red and yellow. Blue stars are the hottest stars of all. Stars are not really star-shaped.

How big is a star compared to Earth?

Stars come in huge range of different sizes. Neutron stars can be just 20 to 40 km in diameter, whereas white dwarf can be very similar in size to Earth’s. The largest supergiants, on the other hand, can be more than 1500 times larger than our Sun.

Is the sun the hottest star?

No, the Sun is not the hottest star; there are many stars much hotter than the Sun! … The coolest stars are red, then orange, then yellow (like our Sun). Even hotter stars are white and then the hottest stars are blue! The surface temperature of our sun is 5777 Kelvins (~5000 degrees C or ~ 9940 degrees F).

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How many Earths are there?

It’s changed a bit since it was introduced, but the current DC Multiverse states that there are 52 different Earths in existence all occupying the same space but vibrating at different frequencies.

How many Earths fit Betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse would engulf all four terrestrial planets — Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars — and even the gas giant Jupiter. Only Saturn would be beyond its surface.

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How many Earths can fit in Mars?

Mars is actually smaller than the Earth! The radius of Mars is 3,389.5 km, which is just over half that of the Earth’s: 6,371 km. If you assume they’re both perfect spheres, this means that you can actually fit about 7 Mars’s inside Earth!

Is Jupiter a failed Sun?

“Jupiter is called a failed star because it is made of the same elements (hydrogen and helium) as is the Sun, but it is not massive enough to have the internal pressure and temperature necessary to cause hydrogen to fuse to helium, the energy source that powers the sun and most other stars.

Is any planet bigger than the sun?

To begin with planets, as that is the easiest question to answer, there are no planets bigger than the Sun or even close to the size of the Sun. At about 13 times the mass of Jupiter a planet becomes what is referred to as a “brown dwarf”.

How many Earths can fit in our sun?

The Sun’s volume would need 1.3 million Earths to fill it. The Sun is 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth.

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