Frequent question: Who was your biggest influence in life?

The most influential people in my life have always been the people closest to me. My family is small but supportive. My parents taught me and my brother a strong work ethic – to aim high, work hard and value your relationships. My parents have nurtured me, guided me and comforted me.

Who influenced you most in your life?

A Family Member—For most of us, parents and siblings have a huge impact on our lives. Answering with a family member is fairly predictable but also perfectly appropriate. Just make sure you can articulate the specific ways in which the family member influenced you.

How do you write about a person who has influenced you?

Focus on the influence, not the person.

The exact wording of the question is, “Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.” The subtext there is that you shouldn’t spend the entire essay describing why this person is so wonderful.

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Who has been the most influential person in your life and why essay?

My father has impacted my life greatly and has helped me become the person I am today. He has helped me in many ways; he pushes me to be the best, he is always there for me, and he possesses good qualities that I try to obtain. My father is always pushing me to be the best.

Who or what influence you to become the person you are now?

Answer. There are many factors that influenced us to become who we are today – including our parents, sisters/brothers/siblings, friends, acquaintances and even our religion. When we were young, our parents became our role model in doing good deeds.

Who has the greatest influence on a person’s character?

As we are talking about how a person’s character can be influenced by another person, the persons whom I think have the most influence in a person’s life are – parents. There are three reasons why I think so. Firstly, parents are the people whom know us since birth.

What are some examples of influences?

The following are common types of influence.

  • Society. The systems, norms and shared meaning of a nation or civilization. …
  • Culture. Culture are systems of norms and shared meaning that often have far more flexible membership than society. …
  • Social Status. …
  • Cultural Capital. …
  • Knowledge. …
  • Education. …
  • Storytelling. …
  • Media.

27 февр. 2016 г.

What is a good influence?

Positive influence is the impact you have on another person (AND yourself) by pointing out strengths and virtues. It is how you are, what you do, and the power you have on others to value what is best within themselves. Positive influence helps a person be better today than they were yesterday.

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How can someone make an impact on your life?

Having someone to encourage, motivate, and cheer you on, can make all the difference in your success. Having someone who is willing to regularly check in on you, and ask how things are going, is such a wonderful way to impact their lives.

How would you describe an influential person?

The definition of influential is someone or something that has an impact on or shapes how people act or how things occur. A person who convinces others to listen and do what he suggests is an example of an influential person.

Why is your mom your biggest influence?

‘My mother has been the greatest influence in my life. She taught me how to be independent, how to make strong family connections, and how to set goals to become a strong woman. Through positive and negative times growing up, I have used every experience as a life lesson, and something to grow from. ‘

Who has been most influential person in your life and why?

The most influential person in my life is my dad. My mom has influenced me too, but my dad has inspired me with his work ethic and caring for others. He has always been a hard worker, and wanted to do the best job possible. I strive for this in my life.

Why my mom is the most important person in my life?

The most important in my life is my mother because she is really all I have, she is my motivation, and she helps me live through all my struggles. I wouldn’t be able now to enjoy this minute of my life writing this essay without my mother. My mother has brought me to this wonderful world.

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What does influence mean?

As a verb, influence typically means “to affect or change someone or something in an indirect but usually important way.” Something or someone that influences a person or thing, then, has an influence on that person or thing.

Who influenced your personal development?

There are three main influences on personality development that we are going to look at in this lesson. Those are heredity, environment, and situation. Heredity: This refers to the influences on your personality that you are born with. They are in your genes and there is not much you can do to change these traits.

What do you think you should do to improve yourself?

Here’s a look at some ways to build self-improvement into your daily routine and let go of negative thoughts about yourself.

  1. Cultivate gratitude. …
  2. Greet everyone you meet. …
  3. Try a digital detox. …
  4. Use positive self-talk. …
  5. Practice random acts of kindness. …
  6. Eat at least one meal mindfully. …
  7. Get enough sleep. …
  8. Breathe consciously.

24 апр. 2019 г.

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