Best answer: What is the shortest sentence?

Is no a complete sentence?

If you go along with saying “yes” to things you don’t really want to do, you are going to need to learn to put the word “no” in your vocabulary. Not only that, but you need to remember that “No” is a complete sentence.

What is a short sentence called?

Truncated sentences are often referred to as short sentences, but there is a difference between short sentences and truncated sentences. A truncated sentence has to have been cut short – there need to be words missing. For example: “I like reading”

What does the shortest possible sentence contain?

The shortest possible sentence contains a subject, a verb and an object.

What is the longest one word sentence?

They (the linguists) say this word (“buffalo”) can be used to construct the longest one-word English language sentence using correct grammar: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo bufallo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. For whatever reason, I spent a week obsessed with this example of lexical ambiguity.

What is the weirdest word?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.

  • Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words. …
  • Gobbledygook. …
  • Scrumptious. …
  • Agastopia. …
  • Halfpace. …
  • Impignorate. …
  • Jentacular. …
  • Nudiustertian.
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13 окт. 2015 г.

What is the most random word?

Top 10 Most Random Words Ever

  • Potato. Potato, simply because of how random it is. …
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I love this word! …
  • Bagel. it very good for randomness you can say it very fast so you can pair it with others so all round great word. …
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. …
  • Aardvark. …
  • Unicorn. …
  • Doppelganger. …
  • Beanbogs.

What is the most confusing sentence?

Confusing Sentences That Actually Make Sense

  1. 1 All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life. …
  2. 2 One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. …
  3. 3 The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families. …
  4. 4 The man the professor the student has studies Rome. …
  5. 5 Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

How do you write a short punchy sentence?

Four Tips for Writing Punchy, Concise Copy That Works

  1. Be suspicious of adverbs. Adverbs are the words we use to modify other words – specifically, verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. …
  2. Hunt down prepositions. Lots of prepositions in a sentence are a clue that it could be much shorter. …
  3. Revive zombie nouns. …
  4. Say it out loud.

31 окт. 2017 г.

Which is correct sentence?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense.

Is I am happy about it a complete sentence?

Verbs without action, such as “am,” when used as a predicate, must have something to complete the meaning—a complement. So you “am” “something.” “I am happy” is a sentence since “happy” is fulfilling the complement role. Therefore, “I am” is not a sentence.

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Why is I do the longest sentence?

When you say “I do”, it means you are getting married. And just like going to prison, getting married means you have to give up your freedom. In that case, marriage is the longest sentence – your whole life!

Is I am the shortest sentence?

“I am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. A pangram sentence is one that contains every letter in the language.

What is a Buffalo slang?

an overweight, ugly, or unintelligent person. She’s a right buffalo. See more words with the same meaning: overweight, obese, fat person.

What is a one-word sentence called?

A sentence word (also called a one-word sentence) is a single word that forms a full sentence. … The Dutch linguist J. M. Hoogvliet described sentence words as “volzinwoorden”.

Can you have a 1 word sentence?

In fact a lot of words in English can be one-word sentences, it all depends on the context. A complete sentence, even a one-word sentence, needs to have a noun and a verb. In one-word sentences the subject (noun) or the action (verb) of the sentence is implied.

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