Your question: Who is the youngest software developer?

Arham Om Talsania is a six-year-old boy who has become the world’s youngest computer programmer, setting an unprecedented record. A resident of Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, Arham has created a Guinness World Record by clearing the powerful ‘Python Programming Language’ exam.

Who is the youngest software engineer?

6-year-old Arham Om Talsania becomes world’s youngest computer programmer | Hindustan Times.

At what age did Mark Zuckerberg start coding?

Mark Zuckerberg Started Coding At The Age of 8, Bill Gates Started When He Was 13.

At what age Bill Gates started coding?

Gates wrote his first software program at the age of 13. In high school he helped form a group of programmers who computerized their school’s payroll system and founded Traf-O-Data, a company that sold traffic-counting systems to local governments.

At what age did Steve Jobs start coding?

At the age of 14, I landed my first summer job teaching coding to kids. I hopped on the bus for the half-hour ride to my school, where I taught elementary school children how to write very simple programs using Logo, a computer language developed to teach kids basic programming concepts.

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Who is the world’s best programmer?

Here is the list of top 10 programmers in the world of all time.

  • James Gosling. …
  • Linus Torvalds. …
  • Anders Hejlsberg. …
  • Tim Berners-Lee. …
  • Brian Kernighan. …
  • Ken Thompson. …
  • Guido van Rossum. …
  • Donald Knuth. Donald Ervin Knuth is an American computer scientist, mathematician, and Professor Emeritus at Stanford University.

Can Bill Gates code?

4. He still codes. Gates left his job as Microsoft CEO years ago to devote himself full-time to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but he still finds time to dabble in programming. When asked if he still codes, Gates said he doesn’t as much as he’d like, but he occasionally dashes off some C, C# and BASIC.

Does Jeff Bezos know coding?

Yes, Jeff Bezos does know how to code and therefore can be called a ‘programmer’. Like many CEOs of tech companies, Bezos was always what people would call a bit of a nerd. He was interested in computers and science from a young age. Even pursuing these interests throughout high school and university.

Can Elon Musk code?

After PayPal, Musk has been too busy with his other companies. Unfortunately, none of them is involved in computer programming. Was Elon Musk good at programming? As a self-thought programmer earning millions from his companies, he did pretty great at that.

Who is the youngest coder in the world?

6-yr-old Arham Om Talsania becomes world’s youngest computer programmer. Arham Om Talsania is a six-year-old boy who has become the world’s youngest computer programmer, setting an unprecedented record.

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What is Bill Gates IQ?

Bill Gates is continuously standing number 1 as world billionaire in the world by Forbes magazine. His IQ Test score is 160 IQ, Bill Gates is a billionaire who always contribute to the world and do charity frequently.

What race is Bill Gates?

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28, 1955. He is the son of William H. Gates Sr. (1925–2020) and Mary Maxwell Gates (1929–1994). His ancestry includes English, German, and Irish/Scots-Irish.

Does Bill Gates have any medical degree?

Bill Gates does not have a conventional medical degree. He initially enrolled at Harvard University in 1973 but dropped out two years later to start Microsoft. Due to his accolades, however, Bill has since been awarded several honorary degrees, both medical and legal.

What was Steve Jobs IQ?

Both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had the same IQ of 160, equal to Albert Einstein.

Does Mark Zuckerberg still write code?

Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has done a very minimal amount of programming since 2006. In 2012, however, he is aiming to write some code every single day. Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote a lot of the initial code for Facebook, but very little of it, if any, is still in use.

Who are famous coders?

Here is the list of the topmost influential programmers who have changed the tech landscape.

  • Larry Page. Google co-founder, Larry Page is known for inventing the search engine along with Sergey Brin. …
  • Bill Gates. …
  • Mark Zuckerberg. …
  • Ken Thompson. …
  • Linus Torvalds. …
  • Ada Lovelace. …
  • Alan Turing.
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