Your question: Which is the smallest negative integer?

Explain. There is no “smallest negative integer.” You can have an infinite number of negative numbers.

Which is the smallest integer?

The smallest integer is zero.

Is the smallest negative integer True or false?

Because all the negative integers are smaller than the zero, so zero is not the smallest integer.

What is the largest negative integer?

The greatest negative integer is -1.

Is a negative number smaller than zero?

In mathematics, a negative number is a real number that is less than zero. Negative numbers represent opposites. If positive represents a movement to the right, negative represents a movement to the left. If positive represents above sea level, then negative represents below sea level.

Is 0 a positive integer?

−3 < −2 < −1 < 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < … An integer is positive if it is greater than zero, and negative if it is less than zero. Zero is defined as neither negative nor positive.

Is 0 an integer yes or no?

All whole numbers are integers, so s…” That’s right! All whole numbers are integers, so since 0 is a whole number, 0 is also an integer.

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What are the first four negative integers?

The first four negative integers are (-1),(-2),(-3) and (-4).

Is the smallest negative integer is 1?

question_answer Answers(75)

There are an infinite number of negative integers as they approach negative infinity. So there is no smallest negative integer. … The greatest negative integer is -1. From there the numbers progress toward negative infinity.

Is every positive integer is larger than every negative integer?

(i) Zero is less than every positive integer, and greater than every negative integer. Zero is neither positive nor negative. For example, 0 < 1, 0 < 10, etc. … (ii) Every positive integer is greater than every negative integer.

Is there a largest positive integer?

The number 2,147,483,647 (or hexadecimal 7FFFFFFF16) is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing.

Is Negative 1000 the largest negative integer?

Step-by-step explanation: The largest negative integer is −1, and the smallest positive integer is 1, so the sum is 4(−1)+1= −4+1= −3.

What is the most negative number?

The boundary between positive and negative numbers is arbitrary, but by convention all negative numbers have a left-most bit (most significant bit) of one. Therefore, the most positive 4 bit number is 0111 (7.) and the most negative is 1000 (−8.).

Can integers be negative?

A negative integer is a whole number that has value less than zero. Negative integers are normally whole numbers, for example, -3, -5, -8, -10 etc.

Is 0 a real number?

What Are Real Numbers? Edit. Real numbers consist of zero (0), the positive and negative integers (-3, -1, 2, 4), and all the fractional and decimal values in between (0.4, 3.1415927, 1/2). Real numbers are divided into rational and irrational numbers.

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Negative numbers are any number to the left of zero on the number line. They are represented by the – sign attached on the left. You can have -1, -2, -10, -1000000000000, – ½, -3, etc. etc.

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