Your question: How do you find the greatest number in an array?

How do you find the smallest and largest number in an array?

Algorithm to find the smallest and largest numbers in an array

  1. Input the array elements.
  2. Initialize small = large = arr[0]
  3. Repeat from i = 2 to n.
  4. if(arr[i] > large)
  5. large = arr[i]
  6. if(arr[i] < small)
  7. small = arr[i]
  8. Print small and large.

9 февр. 2021 г.

How do you find the largest number?

If the cells are in a contiguous row or column

  1. Select a cell below or to the right of the numbers for which you want to find the smallest number.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to AutoSum. , click Min (calculates the smallest) or Max (calculates the largest), and then press ENTER.
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How do you find the top two maximum numbers in an array?

Java Program to Find the Largest Two Numbers in a Given Array

  1. public class largest_and_second.
  2. Scanner scn = new Scanner (System.
  3. System. out. print(“Enter no. of elements you want in array:”);
  4. int n = scn. nextInt();
  5. int array[] = new int[n];
  6. System. out. println(“Enter all the elements:”);
  7. for (int i = 0; i < array. length; i++)
  8. array[i] = scn. nextInt();

How do you find the maximum element of an array in a function?

To find out the maximum number in an array using function

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <conio.h>
  3. max(int [],int);
  4. void main()
  5. int a[]={10,5,45,12,19};
  6. int n=5,m;
  7. m=max(a,n);
  8. printf(“nMAXIMUM NUMBER IS %d”,m);

How do you find the greatest number in an array C++?

To find the largest element, the first two elements of array are checked and largest of these two element is placed in arr[0] . Then, the first and third elements are checked and largest of these two element is placed in arr[0] . This process continues until and first and last elements are checked.

How do you find the largest and smallest number in an array in Python?

Approach :

  1. Read input number asking for length of the list using input() or raw_input() .
  2. Initialise an empty list lst = [] .
  3. Read each number using a for loop .
  4. In the for loop append each number to the list.
  5. Now we use predefined function max() to find the largest element in a list.

22 апр. 2017 г.

What is the 3 largest number?

The smallest 3-digit number is 100 and the largest 3-digit number is 999.

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What is the greatest number?

The greatest number formed is 95410. Ascending order 0 < 1 < 5 < 5 < 9. A number cannot begin with 0, so we will put it in the second place. The smallest digit (other than 0) is 1.

What is the largest number?

Googol. It is a large number, unimaginably large. It is easy to write in exponential format: 10100, an extremely compact method, to easily represent the largest numbers (and also the smallest numbers).

How do you find the first and second largest numbers in an array?

The program output is also shown below.

  1. * C program to read elements into an array and find the.
  2. * largest two elements in a given array.
  3. int n = 0, i = 0, largest1 = 0, largest2 = 0, temp = 0;
  4. printf (“Enter the size of the arrayn”);
  5. scanf (“%d”, &n);
  6. int array[n];
  7. printf (“Enter the elementsn”);

How do you find the second smallest number in an array?

Let’s see another example to get second smallest element or number in java array using Arrays.

  1. import java.util.*;
  2. public class SecondSmallestInArrayExample1{
  3. public static int getSecondSmallest(int[] a, int total){
  4. Arrays.sort(a);
  5. return a[1];
  6. }
  7. public static void main(String args[]){
  8. int a[]={1,2,5,6,3,2};

How do I find the second largest number in an array in CPP?

The program output is shown below.

  1. #include<iostream>
  2. int A[10], n, i, j, x;
  3. cout << “Enter size of array : “;
  4. cin >> n;
  5. cout << “Enter elements of array : “;
  6. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  7. cin >> A[i];
  8. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

How do you find the minimum element of an array?


  1. STEP 1: START.
  2. STEP 2: INITIALIZE arr[] = {25, 11, 7, 75, 56}
  3. STEP 3: min = arr[0]
  4. STEP 4: REPEAT STEP 5 for(i=0; i< arr.length; i++)
  5. STEP 5: if(arr[i]<min) min=arr[i]
  6. STEP 6: PRINT “Smallest element in given array:”
  7. STEP 7: PRINT min.
  8. STEP 8: END.
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How do you find the maximum and minimum of an array in C++?

The program output is shown below.

  1. #include<iostream>
  2. int arr[10], n, i, max, min;
  3. cout << “Enter the size of the array : “;
  4. cin >> n;
  5. cout << “Enter the elements of the array : “;
  6. for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  7. cin >> arr[i];
  8. max = arr[0];

How do you display the first element of an array?

current($array) can get you the first element of an array, according to the PHP manual. Every array has an internal pointer to its “current” element, which is initialized to the first element inserted into the array.

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