Who is the largest producer of sugarcane?

Brazil is the top country by sugar cane production in the world. As of 2019, sugar cane production in Brazil was 752 million tonnes that accounts for 38.61% of the world’s sugar cane production.

Which country is largest producer of sugarcane?


(in mln metric tonnes, tel quel)
1 India 25.51
2 Brazil 18.11
3 EU-28 16.20

Who produces the most sugar cane?

In 2019, Brazil was the leading sugar cane producer worldwide. In that year, the nation yielded approximately 752.9 million metric tons of sugar cane, accounting for more than 34 percent of the global sugar cane production.

Which countries produce sugar cane?

Global production of sugarcane in 2018 was 1.91 billion tonnes, with Brazil producing 39% of the world total, India with 20%, and China and Thailand producing about 6% each (table).


Countries Production (millions of tonnes)
Brazil 746.8
India 376.9
China 108.1
Thailand 104.4

Which country produces more sugarcane than India?

Brazil has been the largest producer of the sugarcane in the world with its record of around 70 million metric tonnes. It has been ahead of India since the early years of last decade (2001-2010).

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Why do they burn sugarcane?

Farmers burn sugarcane to reduce the amount of leafy extraneous material, including stalk tops, delivered with the cane to the factories for processing.

Which country does not produce sugarcane?

Answer. Answer: Countries like Dubai and UAE cannot produce sugarcane bcoz there is lack of water there..

Where does sugarcane grow naturally?

To grow sugarcanes one must reside in a tropical climate such as Hawaii, Florida, and Louisiana. Sugarcane is grown in limited quantities in Texas and a few other Gulf Coast states as well.

Which country ranks first in sugar export?

Searchable List of Sugar Exporting Countries in 2019

Rank Exporter 2018-9
1. Brazil -19.6%
2. Thailand +14.4%
3. India +89.4%
4. France -30.4%

Where is sugar cane grown today?

Production. Sugarcane is grown primarily in the tropics and subtropics. In the United States, sugarcane is grown commercially in Florida, Louisiana, Hawaii and Texas.

Which country consumes the most sugar 2020?

Top Sugar Loving Nations In The World

Rank Country Average Individual Sugar Consumption (in gms)
1 United States 126.40
2 Germany 102.90
3 Netherlands 102.50
4 Ireland 96.70

Do we grow sugar cane in the UK?

UK beet sugar production is highly efficient1, and is grown by 3,000 growers supplying about 8 million tonnes of crop annually. … British Sugar has a current installed sugar production capacity of about 1.5 million tonnes annually. It operates four advanced manufacturing plants in East Anglia and East Midlands.

Which state in India is largest producer of sugarcane?

Uttar Pradesh is the highest sugarcane producing State in sub tropical zone having area about 22.77 Lakh ha with the production of 135.64 Million Ton cane whereas Haryana has highest productivity of sugarcane in Sub tropical zone.

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