Which state has longest coastal area in India?

Estimated length of coastline in India 2019 by state. The islands of Andaman and Nicobar had the longest coastline in India, amounting to a little over 1,900 kilometers, followed by Gujarat. The state with the smallest coastline during the measured time period was the union territory of Daman and Diu.

Which state has the longest coastal area?


State or territory Method 1 (CRS)
Coastline Rank
Alaska 6,640 mi (10,690 km) 1
Florida 1,350 mi (2,170 km) 2
California 840 mi (1,350 km) 3

Which state has the second longest coastline in India?

The state of Andhra Pradesh has the second-longest coastline in India and lies in the region of Coastal Andhra. The coastline is 974 km long along with the Coromandel Coast between the Eastern Ghats and Bay of Bengal.

Which has the longest coastline?

Coastline: Canada’s coastline is the world’s longest, measuring 243,042 km (includes the mainland coast and the coasts of offshore islands). This compares with Indonesia (54,716 km), Russia (37,653 km), the United States (19,924 km) and China (14,500 km).

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Which is largest beach in India?

Marina beach in Chennai along the Bay of Bengal is India’s longest and world’s second longest beach. This predominantly sandy of nearly 12 kilometers extends from Beasant Nagar in the south to Fort St. George in the north.

Which is the 29th state of India?

Telangana was created on 2 June 2014 as ten former districts of north-western Andhra Pradesh.

Which state in India has no river?

List of Rivers of India

Sr. No. State Total Number of River
4 Gujarat 10
5 Jharkhand 08
6 Karnataka 14
7 Kerala 20

Which state has the least coastline?

Indiana has the smallest coastline, at a mere 45 mi (72 km) among the 30 states that have a coastline.

How many coastal zones are in India?

Coastal States of India

Coastal data
Length of coastline 7516.6 km Mainland: 5422.6 km Island Territories: 2094 km
Total number of coastal districts 66 coastal districts in mainland India; 3 in Andaman & Nicobar and 1 in Lakshadweep
Coastal Geomorphology (Mainland)
Sandy Beach 43 %

Which is the longest sea shore in India?

Gujarat is the largest mainland coastline in India. The entire length of India’s coastline is 7516.6 kilometres. The Arabian sea spreads most of its coastline in Gujarat.

Which states have beaches in India?

West coast

  • Gujarat.
  • Maharashtra.
  • Goa.
  • Karnataka.
  • Kerala.
  • West Bengal.
  • Odisha.
  • Andhra Pradesh.

Which Southern state has shortest coastline?

The State with Smallest coast line is West Bengal with a size of 157.5 Km. Ganga & Brahmaputra rivers forms a number of river islands and creeks during its descent to meet bay of Bengal near Sundarban Delta.

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Which country has no sea?

The maritime trading system has played a vital role in the economic development of the ESCAP region, but twelve of ESCAP’s member countries have no direct access to the sea. Four of these — Afghanistan, Bhutan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Nepal — are amongst the least developed countries of Asia.

Which country has most beaches?

Indonesia has the second longest coastline in the world at 99,083 km/61,567 miles. The country’s coastline is famous for its picturesque beaches and great diversity of flora and fauna.

Countries With The Most Coastline.

Rank 1
Country Canada
Coastline (Kilometers) 202,080
Coastline (Miles) 1,25,567

Which country has the shortest coastline in the world?

The coastline of Monaco is the shortest among the world’s coastal nations. The principality of Monaco in the French Riviera has only 2.5 miles of shoreline making it the shortest coastline belonging to one country.

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