Which is the most powerful weapon in Mahabharata?

It is thought that the Brahmashirsha astra is the evolution of the Brahmastra and is a secret infallible weapon creates by Lord Brahma 4 times stronger than Brahmastra. In the epic Mahabharata, it is said that the weapon manifest with the four heads of Lord Brahma as its tip.

Which is the most powerful weapon of God?

Trishula – The trident of Shiva, stylized by some as used as a missile weapon and often included a crossed stabilizer to facilitate flight when thrown. Considered to be the most powerful weapon.

Who is the most powerful in Mahabharat?

On the 13th day of war, he entered Chakravyuha and was unfairly killed by multiple Kaurava warriors. Arjuna: He was the son of Indra. He was the best archer and greatest warrior in Mahabharata.

Which weapon is more powerful than Brahmastra?


Brahmashira is considered 4 times more powerful weapon than Brahmastra. When used, it can devastate the place to such great deal leaving it infertile for decades. Indrajit (Meghanada) used it in Ramayana epic killing 670 million Vanaras.

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Who has more weapons Karna or Arjuna?

Both, Karna and Arjuna had the standard less powerful astras such as Agneya, Varuna, Parajanya, etc. When it came to celestial weapons, Karna received the Brahmastra aka Brahmashira from lord Parashuram. … But Arjuna had access to all the celestial weapons.

Who can defeat Lord Shiva?

Shiva engaged him in battle and pierced his heart, but Andhaka was able to recover and strike Shiva with his mace. The blood that fell on the ground from the wound gave rise to the eight forms of Bhairava.

Which God is more powerful?

Though Lord Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh together can easily be considered as the most powerful Gods among all the Gods but if we have to talk about only one most powerful God it would undoubtedly be Lord Shiva. He is not only worshiped by humans but also by all Gods, demons, and ghosts.

Who killed most in Mahabharata?

Arjuna killed thousands of Samsaptakasa, however, he couldn’t exterminate all of them. On the other side of the battlefield, the remaining four Pandavas and their allies were finding it impossible to break Drona’s Chakra formation.

How many soldiers did Bhishma kill?

In Mahabharat, Bhishma killed 10000 soldiers every day, other warriors killed more.

Who killed Arjuna in Mahabharat?

Actually, Babruvahana was the son of Arjun and Chitrangada, Princess Of Manipur, during his thirtha yatra period. As a result of furious quarrel, they started to fight wit each other. And in the fight, Babruvahan kills Arjun (This was due to the curse of Vasus to Arjuna for the unjustified slaying of Bhishma).

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Who gave Trishul to Lord Shiva?

To this, her father, Lord Vishwakarma, intervened and he made an arrangement with Suryadev whereby the Sun God agreed to reduce his heat in order to accommodate Sanjana, by shedding off some solar matter to the Earth. It was using this solar matter that Vishwakarma crafted the Trishul for Shiva’s use.

Who is the most powerful god in Hinduism?

Param Brahma (not to be confused with Brahma) is supreme God of hinduism. Most Hindus worship one Supreme Being, though by different names.

Which is the strongest Astra?

It is thought that the Brahmashirsha astra is the evolution of the Brahmastra and is a secret infallible weapon creates by Lord Brahma 4 times stronger than Brahmastra. In the epic Mahabharata, it is said that the weapon manifest with the four heads of Lord Brahma as its tip.

Who can defeat Arjuna?

Only Abhimanyu, Bhishma, Drona and Karna have the slightest chance to defeat Arjuna in archery. Sword fighting – Arjuna’s sword fight skills were shown when he fought Shiva to obtain Pashupastra. But in one verse, it states that Satyaki, Nakula, Sahadeva and Dushasana were the best swordsmen of that era.

Who is better archer Arjuna or RAM?

Best archer would be Lord Ram but the comparison of others with him is not justifiable. As Ram is amongst the Gods of Hindu Mythology while others were more so ever humans. Among the others Karna was definitely best archer. Although Arjun did beat him twice but war has many other dimensions than just archary.

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Who is the real hero of Mahabharata?

Karna-The Real Hero of Mahabharata, The World’s Greatest Epic From India (Part II). His life, struggle and meeting with parents and Lord Krishna explained here.

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