Which is the most powerful machine after turning machine?

No. We can dream up an infinite hierarchy of more powerful machines. However, the Turing machine is the most powerful machine that we know, at least in principle, how to build.

Which is the most powerful machine in automata?

The most general and powerful automata is the Turing machine.

Can we build a machine powerful than a Turing machine?

Yes, there are theoretical machines which exceed the Turing machines in computational power, such as Oracle machines and Infinite time Turing machines.

Are quantum computers more powerful than Turing machines?

Abstract: Quantum computing allows us to solve some problems much faster than existing classical algorithms. Yet, the quantum computer has been believed to be no more powerful than the most general computing model—the Turing machine.

What does it mean if a machine is powerful?

a powerful sense of tradition4 machine/weapon etc a powerful machine, engine, weapon etc is very effective and can do a lot a new generation of more powerful PCs a machine that is immensely powerful a powerful 24-valve engine a powerful telescope 5 physically strongSTRONG FEELING OR BELIEF physically strong Jed was a …

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Which is the powerful finite automata?

It is important to note that DFA and NFA are of same power because every NFA can be converted into DFA and every DFA can be converted into NFA . The Turing Machine i.e. TM is more powerful than any other machine.

Which language is accepted by NFA and DFA?

The set of all strings accepted by an NFA is the language the NFA accepts. This language is a regular language. For every NFA a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) can be found that accepts the same language.

What can a Turing machine not do?

Formal definition

In addition, the Turing machine can also have a reject state to make rejection more explicit. In that case there are three possibilities: accepting, rejecting, and running forever. Another possibility is to regard the final values on the tape as the output.

What is difference between restricted Turing Machine and Universal machine?

A universal Turing machine is just a Turing machine whose programming simulates other Turing machines. That is, the input to the UTM is a description of a Turing machine T and an input for T, and the UTM simulates T on that input. … If you like, a UTM is an interpreter for (all) Turing machines.

Which computation model is powerful?

Turing Machines are definitely the most powerful computational model. In addition, a Turing Machine is the most powerful computational model that is the closest to reality, i.e. the world in which we live in.

Is a quantum computer a Turing machine?

A quantum Turing machine (QTM) or universal quantum computer is an abstract machine used to model the effects of a quantum computer. It provides a simple model that captures all of the power of quantum computation—that is, any quantum algorithm can be expressed formally as a particular quantum Turing machine.

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Is a quantum computer a nondeterministic Turing machine?

So, quantum Turing machines are a model of computation which is not deterministic, but which is different from a “nondeterministic Turing machine”.

What exactly is a quantum computer?

Quantum computing is an area of computing focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the behavior of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. Classical computers that we use today can only encode information in bits that take the value of 1 or 0.

Why Turing machine is most powerful?

If you look at computational complexity, a Turing Machine is the most powerful machine – because it has unlimited memory, and no real machine has that. Any real machine cannot solve problems of arbitrary size; they cannot even read a problem, much less solve it.

What are the special features of Turing machine?

There are various features of the Turing machine: It has an external memory which remembers arbitrary long sequence of input. It has unlimited memory capability. The model has a facility by which the input at left or right on the tape can be read easily.

Why computers are considered powerful thinking machines?

Computers are designed to perform some task well, not to survive and replicate. So it can be very “powerful” in its thinking within a narrow scope (such as playing chess or avoiding collisions) but hopelessly helpless in just about any other task.

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