Which is the most powerful and popular military explosive?

RDX is the most popular and powerful of the military explosives, often encountered in the form of pliable plastic known as C-4.

What is the most widely used explosive in the military?

❖ TNT is one of the most widely used military high explosives, partly because of its insensitivity to shock and friction.

What is the most powerful explosive in the world?

PETN is a powerful explosive material with a relative effectiveness factor of 1.66. When mixed with a plasticizer, PETN forms a plastic explosive.

Pentaerythritol tetranitrate.

Density 1.77 g/cm3 at 20 °C
Melting point 141.3 °C (286.3 °F; 414.4 K)
Boiling point 180 °C (356 °F; 453 K) (decomposes above 150 °C (302 °F))
Explosive data

Which is stronger TNT or C4?

C4 is 18% more powerful than TNT. Ammonium nitrate in its pure form is a fairly weak explosive. When combined with fuel oil, however, it gains an explosive power nearly equal to TNT.

What is the most dangerous explosive?

Azidoazide azide has been called “the most dangerous explosive material in the world.” It is also No. 3 in K. S. Lane’s list “The 10 Most Dangerous Chemicals Known to Man”. Thomas M.

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What does TNT stand for?


Why is dynamite called TNT?

It’s the small explosion of the blasting cap that is required to cause the nitroglycerin to explode. You may see some explosives labeled “TNT” that look like dynamite. TNT stands for trinitrotoluene, which is also an explosive but quite different from dynamite.

What is the fastest explosive?

Octanitrocubane has a detonation velocity of 10,100 m/s, making it the fastest known explosive. Small amounts have been synthesized in the laboratory, but not enough for performance testing as an explosive.

What are two chemicals that explode when mixed?

Here is some combination of two household chemicals that actually explode when mixed.

  • Bleach And Ammonia. Both are cleaning equipment that exists in your everyday kitchen.
  • Bleach and Rubbing Alcohol.
  • Two Different Brand of Batteries.
  • Potassium and water.
  • Baking soda and vinegar.
  • Mentos and Soda.

What are the 5 C’s of IED?

(1) IED’s Found Before Detonation – a simple set of guidelines that you should use when you encounter a suspected IED are the five “Cs”. These are Confirm, Clear, Call, Cordon, and Control.

Is C4 edible?

Nope. Plastic explosives like C4 are fairly insensitive. They’re designed that way to make them safe to handle.

Why is nitroglycerin so dangerous?

In its pure form, nitroglycerin is a contact explosive, with physical shock causing it to explode, and it degrades over time to even more unstable forms. This makes nitroglycerin highly dangerous to transport or use. … A serious problem in the use of nitroglycerin results from its high freezing point of 13 °C (55 °F).

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What is a Class 1 dangerous good?

What are Class 1 dangerous goods and why are they classed as dangerous? Class 1 goods are products that possess the ability to alight or detonate as a consequence of a chemical reaction. Explosives are classified as a hazardous product for a pretty clear reason – they can explode.

Can dynamite explode when wet?

Even though the diatomaceous earth takes away some of the dangers of nitroglycerin, there are still problems because the mixture is not stable in damp environments. Water causes the nitroglycerin to leak away. The nitroglycerin can build up, and explode unexpectedly.

Can dynamite explode when dropped?

Dynamite is nitroglycerine rendered insensitive by mixing it with diatomaceous earth. By design it will not explode upon impact but requires a powerful explosive shock from a blasting cap in order to set it off.

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