Which is the largest Indian antelope?

The nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) (/ˈnɪlˌɡaɪ/, literally meaning “blue cow”) is the largest Asian antelope and is ubiquitous across the northern Indian subcontinent. It is the sole member of the genus Boselaphus and was described by Peter Simon Pallas in 1766.

How many nilgai are in Texas?

Approximately 15,000 nilgai are now on Texas rangelands.

Is nilgai a cow?

Nilgai is the Hindustani word for “blue cow,” which describes the blue-gray of adult bulls. … They grow much bigger than cows, up to 1.5 metres (5 feet) tall and 300 kg (660 pounds), compared with 214 kg (471 pounds) for cows; they also have a thicker neck and a tassel of black hair bordering the white bib.

How big is a nilgai?

Nilgai can weigh up to 700 lbs., stand 4’5” at shoulder and be up to 6.6 ft long.

Which is the only true antelope found in India?

The Blackbuck is the only true antelope found in India. It lives in large herds. The males are black on top and cream below and have beautiful spiral horns that form a ‘V’ shape. The Chinkara, also known as the Indian gazelle, is a smaller animal and is pale brown in colour it has beautiful curved horns.

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Is nilgai extinct?

It was thought to be extinct in Bangladesh. The nilgai was introduced to Texas in the 1920s to 1930s. As of 2008, the feral population in Texas is nearly 37,000.

Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Bovinae
Genus: Boselaphus Blainville, 1816
Species: B. tragocamelus

Is nilgai good eating?

A lean red meat calorically similar to chicken breast, Nilgai antelope is a more healthful and flavorful alternative to the standard boeuf du jour. … They are the wild antelopes of South Texas.”

What does nilgai taste like?

His search for an animal that could thrive in the South Texas climate and produce a high quality, lean meat led him to the nilgai antelope. The meat has a mild flavor with a good texture, much like veal. It is extremely low in fat, averaging well under 1% for most cuts.

How fast can a nilgai run?

When chased, nilgai can run up to 48 kph (29 mph).

What is Neel cow called in English?

The Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) is an antelope found in Asia. It commonly seen in India, Nepal and eastern Pakistan. The mature males appear ox-like and are also known as blue bulls. The nilgai is the biggest Asian antelope. The species was described in 1766.

Can nilgai be domesticated?

Nilgai were also found grazing with other domesti- cated animals like buffaloes, cows and goats without any social conflict in the studied area (Figure 2) which indicates that domestication of this animal may be possible. Figure 1. Nilgai at bushy land in the surrounding areas of Dumroan, Bihar.

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Where can I hunt nilgai?

King Ranch is the premier hunting destination for whitetail deer, nilgai, turkey, feral hog, javelina, and other game. King Ranch conducts its hunts in a free-range, low-fence, fair-chase environment, offering great opportunities for both experienced and novice hunters.

Where are nilgai found?

Nilgai antelopes live in dry areas with a variety of land types. They range from grassy, steppe woodlands, to hillsides. In India, they occur in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains southward to Mysore. The brush country of South Texas is well suited to their natural preferences.

What is a female antelope called?

A female pronghorn is known as a “doe” and a male is called a “buck.” The juvenile pronghorns are called “fawns.” The outer material on a pronghorn’s antlers is shed and regrown each year.

How many black buck are left in India?

Blackbuck once lived on open plains over the whole Indian subcontinent, but their numbers and range have been drastically reduced as the human population has grown. The total blackbuck population, estimated at 80,000 in 1947, was down to 8,000 by 1964, but it has since recovered to 25,000 in protected areas.

Is black buck a deer?

The scientific name of the blackbuck is Antilope cervicapra. Its generic name stems from the Latin word antalopus (“horned animal”). The specific name cervicapra is composed of the Latin words cervus (“deer”) and capra (“she-goat”).

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