Which blood vessel has the highest concentration of glucose?

(b) Hepatic portal vein will have the highest concentration of glucose and amino acids which will be absorbed from the food.

Which blood vessel has the lowest concentration of glucose?

Thus, the segment of nephron where there is lowest concentration of glucose is at the Loop of Henle, compared to the Glomeruli.

Which blood vessel would contain the greatest concentration of glucose and amino acids after a meal?

After a large meal, the hepatic vein would transport glucose rich blood from the small intestines to the liver. Blood leaves the liver and returns to the heart through the hepatic vein.

Which blood vessel has the highest concentration of urea?

It is the Hepatic vein. Kidneys excrete urea, hence the blood vessels that exit from the kidneys have the least concentration of urea and other nitrogenous wastes.

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Which blood vessel has the highest concentration of carbon dioxide?

In humans, the blood vessel with the lowest level of Oxygen and the highest level of CO is the pulmonary artery, the blood vessel which takes blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs, where the CO is released and Oxygen is taken in.

Which blood vessel has the lowest concentration of oxygen?

There are two blood vessels which carry the least amount of oxygen concentration viz. coronary sinus and the pulmonary artery.

Which blood vessels carries least amount of urea?

The blood vessel that contains the lowest concentration of urea is the Renal Vein. Urea is excreted out of the kidneys, so the blood vessel that contains the lowest concentration of urea is the one that drains the blood, which is the renal vein.

In which blood vessel will the blood carry the most Oxyhaemoglobin?

Pulmonary vein will contain the blood carry the most oxyhaemoglobin.

Which Systemic blood vessel would you expect to have a high glucose content?

The systemic blood vessels of liver, that is, the mesenteric arteries, hepatic vein and hepatic portal vein, among them hepatic portal vein has a high glucose content immediately after eating.

Which blood vessel has the highest blood pressure?

Important: The highest pressure of circulating blood is found in arteries, and gradu- ally drops as the blood flows through the arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins (where it is the lowest). The greatest drop in blood pressure occurs at the transition from arteries to arterioles.

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Which organ of human body produces urea?

Urea is produced in the liver and is a metabolite (breakdown product) of amino acids.

Which blood vessel has a high carbon dioxide concentration a low oxygen concentration?

The pulmonary artery has a high carbon dioxide concentration, a low oxygen concentration, and a high blood pressure. The artery carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.

Where is the highest concentration of CO2 in the body?

Inside your body, carbon dioxide is produced by cells in your tissues, so blood traveling back to your lungs is rich in CO2. That’s why CO2 diffuses out of your blood and into your lungs — the concentration of CO2 in the blood is higher than the concentration of CO2 in the air you’ve just inhaled.

Where is the highest concentration of oxygen in the body?

The highest oxygen concentration within the body is in the pulmonary veins.

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