What is the price of number 1 copper?

Metal Average Price Date Updated
#1 Copper Tubing $2.98/lb Updated 04/07/2021
#2 Copper Tubing $2.78/lb Updated 04/07/2021
Insulated Copper Wire $1.05/lb Updated 04/07/2021
THHN Wire $1.80/lb Updated 04/07/2021

How much is bare bright copper per pound?

See Current Bare Bright Copper Prices

(Last Modified: March 27th, 2021, 10:01 am)
Metal/Material Current Price
#1 Bare Bright Wire $3.50/lb
#1 Copper Tubing/Flashing $3.20/lb
#2 Copper Tubing/ Bus Bar $3.00/lb

Who pays the most for copper wire?

Recycling centers pay the most for grade one wire and the least for grade three.

What is number 1 Bare Bright copper?

No. 1 Bare Bright Copper Wire shall consist of bare, uncoated, unalloyed copper wire that is larger than 16 gauge. It refers to wires only, and copper pipes are not allowed. Also, green wire is not allowed in this category.

What is the price of dirty copper?

Copper Scrap Dirty prices listed below are national average prices paid by scrap yards in the U.S.A. and Canada.

U.S.A. Scrap Dealer National Price.

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0.35 USD/LB 1.25 USD/LB 0.01 USD/LB

Do you get more money if you strip copper wire?

Get the most out of your copper wire by taking the extra time and stripping it! You can buy a simple wire stripper or a more sophisticated one for larger loads to strip you copper and aluminum insulated wire. This can make you double or triple the money when scrapping it with your yard.

How much is a 5 gallon bucket of copper worth?

220 lbs for 5 gal. 220 lbs is 99,790 grams / 3.11 = 32,086 or $320.

Is burning copper wire illegal?

Burning insulated wire in the USA is illegal under the federal Clean Air Act.

What’s the difference between number 1 and number 2 copper?

Scrap copper #2 tubing is different than copper number one tubing in a many ways. The most noticeable difference between the two classifications of scrap copper is that copper #2 tubing does not have a shiny look to it.

What does #2 copper look like?

#2 Copper. This grade of copper can be identified by its somewhat dirty appearance. It should be comprised of miscellaneous unalloyed wire, pipe or solid metal that continues to have solder, paint or any kind of coating on it. Additionally, its minimum copper content should be 94-96%.

What was the highest price for scrap copper?

Copper is currently sitting at about $3.50 per pound, its highest price since early 2013, according to historical COMEX pricing figures. The pricing dynamic is connected to economic activity in China, where the pandemic lockdown early in 2020 limited demand for a time.

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Should I melt my scrap copper?

Why You Should Never Melt Your Scrap Metal

It will usually lead to molds being poured with the melted metals. Some of the molds are very creative or are just designed to look like regular ingots.

What is the price for Number 2 copper?


Copper Price/lb.
#2 Tubing (paint/solder/burnt wire) $3.25
Tin Plated (wire/bus) $3.25
Enamel Coated (wire/bus) $3.25
Light Copper (used roofing/pots) $2.55

How much is a copper pipe worth?

Copper pipes welded in joints will sell for less than a clean whole pipe. On average, scrap copper is sold between $1.20 to $2.50 per pound. Many different factors affect copper prices, so prices fluctuate daily.

How much is insulated copper wire worth?

See Current Copper Cable Scrap Prices

(Last Modified: March 27th, 2021, 10:01 am)
Metal/Material Current Price
Insulated Copper Wire (Cat 5/6) $1.12/lb
THHN Cable $2.25/lb
Insulated Cable $2.50/lb
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