What is the number 1 most valuable brand?

Rank #1
Brand Apple
Brand Value $323B
YoY % Change 38%
Industry Technology

What is the most valued brand in the world?

As of 2021, Apple was the most valuable brand in the world with an estimated brand value of about 263.4 billion U.S. dollars. Amazon, which was the second leading brand in the world, had a brand value of about 254.2 billion U.S. dollars that year.

What is the most valuable brand in 2020?

According to the newly released Best Global Brands 2020 report from Interbrand, the company which boasts the largest value backing up its brand is currently Apple, with an estimated $322.9 billion – taking it again to the top of this particular list. A touch behind is Amazon, with a value of $200,677 billion.

What is the number 1 brand in the world?

Rank Brand 1-Yr Value Change
1 Apple 17%
2 Google 24%
3 Microsoft 30%
4 Amazon 40%

What are the top 3 brands?

TOP 10 Most Valuable Brands In The World

  • #1. Apple inc. $323 bln.
  • #2. Amazon. $200,7 bln.
  • #3. Microsoft. $166 bln.
  • #4. Google. $165.4 bln.
  • #5. Samsung. $62.3 bln.
  • #6. Coca-Cola. $56.9 bln.
  • #7. Toyota. $51.6 bln.
  • #8. Mercedes-Benz. $49.3 bln.
See also  Where is the world's largest public library * 1 point a Washington B Switzerland C Kentucky D Canada?

19 янв. 2021 г.

What is the richest clothing brand?

Most valuable fashion brands

Brand 2020 Brand Value $
1 Nike $36.8 b
2 Louis Vuitton $32.3 b
3 Hermes $18.3 b
4 Gucci $18.2 b

What company is the richest?

The richest company in the world today is Apple. Americans were thrilled when the announcement was made in August of 2018, that Apple had exceeded a market cap of a trillion dollars.

What is the most successful brand?

A Closer Look at the Leaderboard

Ranking Brand Country
#1 Amazon United States
#2 Google United States
#3 Apple United States
#4 Microsoft United States

What is the most well known brand?

Most Recognized Brands

  • Google.
  • IBM.
  • Walmart.
  • Visa.
  • eBay.
  • FedEx.
  • 3M.
  • Coca-Cola.

What are the top 5 most valuable companies?

TOP 10 Most Valuable Companies in the world

  • #1. Saudi Aramco. $2,458 bln.
  • #2. Apple inc. $2,213 bln.
  • #3. Microsoft. $1,653 bln.
  • #4. Amazon Inc. $1,596 bln.
  • #5. Delta Electronics (Thailand) $1,435 bln.
  • #6. Alphabet Inc. $1,203 bln.
  • #7. Tesla, Inc. $834 bln.
  • #8. Facebook. $757 bln.

6 февр. 2021 г.

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