What is the most powerful explosion in space?

GRB 080916C is a gamma-ray burst (GRB) that was recorded on September 16, 2008 in the Carina constellation and detected by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. It is the most powerful gamma-ray burst ever recorded.

What is the biggest explosion in space?

The news: Astronomers have detected the biggest explosion in space that’s ever been observed. The massive eruption occurred in the Ophiuchus cluster, about 390 million light-years from Earth, where thousands of individual galaxies mingle with hot gas and dark matter.

What is the biggest explosion known to man?

Russia just declassified footage of the moments leading up to the Tsar Bomba blast — the world’s largest nuclear-bomb explosion. The blast was equivalent to 50 megatons of TNT, making it nearly 1,500 times more powerful than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs combined.

What is the most powerful object in space?

Quasars inhabit the centers of active galaxies and are among the most luminous, powerful, and energetic objects known in the universe, emitting up to a thousand times the energy output of the Milky Way, which contains 200–400 billion stars.

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What is the biggest explosion in the galaxy?

The biggest cosmic explosion on record has been detected – an event so powerful that it punched a dent the size of 15 Milky Ways in the surrounding space. The eruption is thought to have originated at a supermassive black hole in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster, which is about 390m light years from Earth.

Can a bomb explode in space?

If a nuclear weapon is exploded in a vacuum-i. e., in space-the complexion of weapon effects changes drastically: First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely. … There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself.

Why are there no explosions in space?

Chemical explosives will also explode in space since they function by breaking weakly bonded chemical components; no oxygen is necessary. Nuclear explosions can of course occur in space, too. However, in space, there is no atmosphere to transmit sound from the explosion to the observer, so it would appear to be silent.

What’s the biggest nuke ever?

The nuclear arms race that originated in the race for atomic weapons during World War II reached a culminating point on October 30, 1961, with the detonation of the Tsar Bomba, the largest and most powerful nuclear weapon ever constructed.

How far away can you hear an explosion?

It is remarkable that while an observer at say 50 miles away may not hear an explosion, an observer at 8o miles may hear it distinctly.

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Will universe ever explode?

If the Universe holds enough matter, including dark matter, the combined gravitational attraction of everything will gradually halt this expansion and precipitate the ultimate collapse. Over time, galaxies, then individual stars, will smash into each other more frequently, killing off any life on nearby planets.

What is the weakest thing in the universe?

Actually, gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces. Ordered from strongest to weakest, the forces are 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) the electromagnetic force, 3) the weak nuclear force, and 4) gravity.

What is the fastest thing in the universe?

Laser beams travel at the speed of light, more than 670 million miles per hour, making them the fastest thing in the universe.

What is the hottest thing in the universe?

The hottest object in the Universe, literally speaking, is the Big Bang. If we go back in time, the Universe gets denser and hotter without a limit. The Big Bang singularity marks the breakdown of Einstein’s theory of gravity, where the density and temperature of matter and radiation diverge to infinite values.

What created everything in the universe in one huge explosion?

An explosion five times bigger than any explosion known so far has been discovered in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster 390 million light-years from Earth. … The scientists responsible for the discovery have published their findings in The Astrophysical Journal.

What is the biggest universe ever?

List of the largest cosmic structures

Structure name (year discovered) Maximum dimension (in light-years) Notes
Virgo Supercluster 110,000,000 Part of the Laniakea Supercluster (see above). It also contains the Milky Way Galaxy, which contains the Solar System where the Earth orbits the Sun. Reported for reference
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