What is the most famous world record?

Ashrita Furman (born Keith Furman, September 16, 1954) is a Guinness World Records record-breaker. As of 2017, Furman has set more than 600 official Guinness Records and currently holds 531 records, thus holding the Guinness world record for the most Guinness world records.

What are the top 10 world records?

Here are some Guinness World Records that you might be able to beat!

  • Most jelly eaten with chopsticks. …
  • Most spoons balanced on face. …
  • Fastest time to put together Mr. …
  • Most coins stacked. …
  • Most hula hoops spun at once. …
  • Most walnuts crushed by hand in one minute. …
  • Tallest sandcastle. …
  • Most ice cream scoops balanced on a cone.

What are some cool world records?

The record titles currently being visited the most by you, our readers on GuinnessWorldRecords.com.

  • Most career goals (football) …
  • Shortest woman – living (mobile) …
  • Widest mouth – unstretched. …
  • Highest vehicle mileage. …
  • Largest living cat. …
  • Tallest man ever. …
  • Longest nose on a living person.
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What is the hardest record to beat?

Here are some records in the Guinness World Records book that you can try beating.

  • Most hamburgers eaten in three minutes. …
  • Fastest time to drink 500 ml of water. …
  • Fastest time to build a 30 level Jenga tower. …
  • Most sticky notes stuck on face in 30 seconds. …
  • Most marshmallows eaten in one minute.

27 апр. 2020 г.

What is the world record for the longest kiss?

The longest kiss lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds, achieved by Ekkachai Tiranarat and Laksana Tiranarat (both Thailand) at an event organized by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Pattaya, in Pattaya, Thailand, on February 12-14, 2013.

What is the world record for not talking?

Eric R. Brewster ’14 and Avery A. Leonard ’14 fought off drooping eyelids and the urge to sleep last week as they held a phone conversation that lasted for 46 hours, 12 minutes, 52 seconds, and 228 milliseconds—potentially setting a new world record..

Who is the youngest world record holder?

Aashman Taneja | Youngest Guinness World Record Holders – Oakridge.in.

Who has the longest name in the world?

The longest personal name is 747 characters long, and belongs to Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. (b. 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021.

Who has the most kids in the world?

The world record for having the most number of children officially recorded is 69 by the first of two wives of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), a peasant from Shuya, 150 miles east of Moscow. In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.

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What is the longest shower ever taken?

The longest shower

Taking considerably more time than the average, the world record for the longest-ever shower is held by Kevin “Catfish” McCarthy, which lasted for an astounding 340 hours and 40 minutes – or just over two weeks. It was set in 1985 and has obviously stood the test of time!

What is the longest FaceTime call?

The longest FaceTime call was 88 hours 53 minutes and 20 seconds.

What’s the longest time anyone has slept?

Previously, Peter Tripp held the first record at 201 hours and suffered from hallucinations for several days after. Between Peter and Randy, Honolulu DJ Tom Rounds made it to 260 hours. Randy tapped out at 264 hours, and slept for 14 hours straight after.

What is the longest coldest kiss?

Ivan and Tayshia set a world record for the longest, coldest kiss. The couple had to sit in a tub of ice for over five minutes and luckily beat the record. The couple shared a kiss for six minutes and 35 seconds!

Who invented kiss?

The oldest evidence of a kissing-type behaviour comes from Hindu Vedic Sanskrit texts from over 3,500 years ago. Kissing was described as inhaling each other’s soul. In contrast, Egyptian hieroglyphics picture people close to each other rather than pressing their lips together.

Is it OK to kiss at 12?

If you are 12-15 years old and are very anxious about kissing another teen, that’s okay! These feels are totally normal, and there’s no pressure to have your first kiss. … After the kiss, act normal! Everyone has to have their first kiss at some point, so you don’t have to overthink it too much.

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