What is the most expensive seed?

A gardener is poised to learn whether a pumpkin grown from possibly the world’s most expensive pumpkin seed is itself a record-breaker. The seed came from a pumpkin which weighed more than one tonne – believed to be a world record.

What is the most expensive seed in the world?

1. Thompson & Morgan Pumpkin Seed. A pumpkin seed from the U.K. sold for over £1,250, which is roughly equivalent to $1,600 USD at the time of this writing. This single 2-inch long seed came from a pumpkin that weighed over 2,000 pounds, and itself grew into a pumpkin over 1,300 pounds in weight.

What is the rarest seed in the world?

Mulanje Cedar

  • Name: Mulanje Cedar (Widdringtonia whytei)
  • Status: At the brink of extinction, this species of cypress is confined to Mount Mulanje, a 9,852-foot-tall massif in southern Malawi, where only a small stand of the trees survives.

What’s the most expensive plant to buy?

The following list from The Richest (and annotated by us) enumerates the world’s most expensive blooms:

  • Shenzhen Nongke Orchid: $202,000 per Plant.
  • Rotchschild’s Orchid: $5,000 per Plant. …
  • Saffron Crocus: $1,200 – $1,500 per Pound. …
  • 17th-Century Semper Augustus: 10,000 Guilders per Bulb. …
  • Gloriosa: $6 – $10 per Stem. …
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Are seeds expensive?

Seed packet prices can range from less than $1 to $5 based on the plant species, how expensive it was to produce, level of customer service, packet size, time of year purchased, and many other factors.

What is wrong with the seeds from China?

Officials have warned the shipments of mystery seeds, which appear to have originated in China, could be invasive plant species. … Although the species identified so far are harmless, plant experts have warned that seeds from other parts of the world could damage crops.

What is the most expensive tomato in the world?

These lovely little red ruby cherry tomatoes (tomate cerise) from my Place Monge market cost 9 EUROS!!!!! That’s about $12 give or take a dollar….

Which plant produces the most unusual seeds in the world?

The unique seeds are produced by a tropical liana of the morning-glory family (Convolvulaceae) that is only known from relatively few locations in the rain forests of southern Mexico and Central America.

How many different Minecraft seeds are there?

The number is so high, you would die before you could count to it. There are an estimated 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible seeds in Minecraft.

What are rare seeds?

The Rare Seed is a type of seed. A mature plant yields a Sweet Gem Berry. … Despite the description stating that this seed “takes all season to grow”, it takes only 24 days. If using Speed-Gro or Deluxe Speed-Gro, the player has up to Day 7 of Fall to plant this seed, and it will be harvestable before Winter.

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What is the rarest flower?

The rarest flower in the world is the Middlemist Red. The scientific name of this flower is the Unspecified Camellia, and currently, there are only two known examples of this flower in the entire world.

What’s the most beautiful flower?

  1. Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it’s called the “queen of the garden.” It’s one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors. …
  2. Hydrangea. …
  3. Bleeding-heart. …
  4. Cherry blossom. …
  5. Orchid. …
  6. Tulip. …
  7. Peony. …
  8. Lily.

What is the most profitable plant to grow?

5 Ridiculously Profitable Specialty Plants to Grow in Your Greenhouse

  1. Ginseng. Used for thousands of years in Asian cultures as a healing herb and tonic, this plant brings in so much profit for growers it has been dubbed “green gold”. …
  2. Gourmet Mushrooms. …
  3. Bamboo. …
  4. Herbs. …
  5. Medicinal Marijuana.

16 апр. 2015 г.

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