What is the longest river in Southeast Asia?

Mekong River, Cambodian Mékôngk, Laotian Mènam Khong, Thai Mae Nam Khong, Vietnamese Sông Tiên Giang, Chinese (Pinyin) Lancang Jiang or (Wade-Giles) Lan-ts’ang Chiang, river that is the longest river in Southeast Asia, the 7th longest in Asia, and the 12th longest in the world.

What is the longest river in Southeast Asia quizlet?

The Yangtze River also know as the Chang Jiang River is located in South Western China and is also the longest river in China.

Which river is the longest river in Asia?

Former Senior Scientist, Leningrad Hydrological Institute. Author of Velichayshiye reki mira. Yangtze River, Chinese (Pinyin) Chang Jiang or (Wade-Giles romanization) Ch’ang Chiang, longest river in both China and Asia and third longest river in the world, with a length of 3,915 miles (6,300 km).

What are the 3 major rivers in South Asia?

The major rivers in South Asia are the Ganges, the Indus, and the Brahmaputra Rivers. The Ganges River flows across northern India into Bangladesh. The Brahmaputra flows through the Assam region of northeastern India and also into Bangladesh.

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What is the longest river in South?

Rivers in South America by Length

Rank River Length (Kilometres)
1 Amazon-Ucayali-Tambo-Ene-Apurimac 6,992
2 Parana-Rio de la Plata 4,880
3 Tocantins-Araguaia 3,650
4 Madeira-Mamore-Grande-Caine-Rocha 3,380

Which nation in Southeast Asia engages in a controversial policy of wealth transfer to the Bumiputra?

Which nation in Southeast Asia engages in a controversial policy of wealth transfer to the “Bumiputra”? The Dutch had used Indonesia largely for its tropical crops and invested little in transportation, health, or education in Indonesia.

What river flows through Wuhan?

The “Golden Waterway” of the Yangtze River and the Han River traverse the urban area and divide Wuhan into the three districts of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge crosses the Yangtze in the city.

Which is world’s longest river?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

Which is the longest river of China?

Yangtze River. The Yangtze River (or, “Changjiang” in Chinese, literally, the “long river”), is the longest river in China, running 6,300 kilometers (3915 miles).

Which is the cleanest river in Asia?

Popularly known as Dawki river, the Umngot river in Meghalaya is undisputedly the cleanest river in Asia with its crystal clear water. The river is in the village of Mawlynnong in Meghalaya, close to India’s border with Bangladesh, which is touted as “Asia’s Cleanest Village”.

What country in South Asia has no rivers?

The Chinese special administrative region of Macau has no permanent natural rivers other than a small man-made canal named Canal Dos Patos (鴨涌河). Due to environment issues, this small canal is currently being backfilled with land by the local government.

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Which is the second largest river in the world?

The Amazon:

At roughly 6,437 km (4,000 mi) in length, it is also considered to be the second-longest river in the world.

Which country has most river?

Russia (36 Rivers) Russia is the largest country in the world, so it seems apt that it also possess the most rivers over 600 miles in length. Arguably the most important is the Volga River, recognized as the cradle of Russian civilization and the location of Kazan and Volgograd, among other major cities.

Which is longest Nile or Amazon?

The Amazon is considered the world’s largest river by volume, but scientists have believed it is slightly shorter than Africa’s Nile. The Brazilian scientists’ 14-day expedition extended the Amazon’s length by about 176 miles (284 kilometers), making it 65 miles (105 kilometers) longer than the Nile.

What is the difference between longest and largest river?

The River Nile is the longest river in the world.

Officially, the shortesr river is the D River, Oregan, USA, which is just 37 metres long. The biggest river in the world, measured by the amount of water that flows down it, is the Amazon.

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