Quick Answer: What Is The Largest French Speaking Country In The World?

French-speaking countries are often described as being ‘Francophone’ and with approximately 60 million native speakers, France is officially recognised as the largest Francophone nation in the world.

It is also the country where the language originated and is the nation most commonly associated with French.

What is the largest French speaking country?

Countries with French as an official language

Nr Country Population
1. DR Congo 84,004,989
2. France 67,401,000
3. Canada 36,879,800
4. Madagascar 24,235,400

26 more rows

Which country speaks the best French?

Here are a few of the best French-speaking destinations to visit (that aren’t France).

  • Belgium.
  • Canada.
  • French Polynesia.
  • Luxembourg.
  • Madagascar.
  • Martinique.
  • Rwanda.
  • Senegal.

In which countries is French the official language?

English: French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo.

Is Montreal the second largest French speaking city in the world?

The agglomeration Montreal is one of the most bilingual cities in Quebec and Canada, with over 59% of the population able to speak both English and French. Montreal is the second largest primarily French-speaking city in the world, after Paris.

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Which African country speaks the best French?

Below is the list of French-speaking countries in Africa where there is the highest percentage of people who speak French:

  1. Gabon: 80%
  2. Mauritius: 72.7%
  3. Côte d’Ivoire: 70%
  4. Senegal: 70%
  5. São Tomé and Príncipe: 65% (as a foreign language as the official language is Portuguese)
  6. Tunisia: 63.6%
  7. Guinea: 63.2%
  8. Seychelles: 60%

What is the largest French speaking city in Canada?


Do they speak French in Jordan?

The official language of Jordan is Arabic, but English is widely spoken especially in the cities. Many Jordanians have travelled, or have been educated abroad, so French, German, Italian and Spanish a

Which is the world’s second largest French speaking city?


Which countries speak French as a first language?

The countries that have French as their official language, in alphabetical order, include: Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica. Equatorial Guinea.

How many countries speak French as their first language?

It is an official language in 29 countries, with most of these being part of the community of French-speaking nations known as la francophonie. It is estimated that around 12 percent of the European Union’s population speaks French as a mother tongue, making it the fourth most widely-spoken European language.

In what African countries is French spoken?

The most populous country where French is the official language is the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. This nation has a population of over 77 million people. The countries that have French as their official language, in alphabetical order, include: Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi.

Will French become the most spoken language?

The latest projection is that French will be spoken by 750 million people by 2050. A study by investment bank Natixis even suggests that by that time, French could be the most-spoken language in the world, ahead of English and even Mandarin. But the point still stands: French is still a fast-growing, global language.

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Why do Moroccans speak French?

French is one of the two prestige languages of Morocco, and is often used for business, diplomacy, and government, serving as a lingua franca. According to the OIF, 33% of Moroccans speak French, among them 13.5% are fully francophone (fluent speakers) and 19.5% partially francophone.

What is the largest French speaking city in Africa?

Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo has now edged out the City of Lights as the world’s biggest French-speaking city. Meanwhile Paris’ Canadian cousin has fallen to Number 4, after another Francophone African city, Abidjan, capital of Ivory Coast, nudged ahead of it.

What is the largest Spanish speaking city in the world?

Today most of the world’s population live in the Spanish-speaking world.

10 Largest Spanish Speaking Countries and Their Cities

  • Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Lima, Peru.
  • Santiago de Chile, Chile.
  • Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Madrid, Spain.
  • Barcelona, Spain.

Is Egypt French speaking?

There are a number of languages spoken in Egypt, but Egyptian Arabic or Masry which literally means Egyptian, is by far the most widely spoken in the country.

Languages of Egypt
Foreign English French German
Signed Egyptian Sign Language
Historical language(s) Egyptian Coptic

4 more rows

Is French the most spoken language in Africa?

African French (French: français africain) is the generic name of the varieties of a French language spoken by an estimated 120 million people in Africa spread across 24 francophone countries. Africa is thus the continent with the most French speakers in the world. French arrived in Africa as a colonial language.

Why does Cote d’Ivoire speak French?

Ivory Coast (French: Côte d’Ivoire) is a multilingual country with an estimated 78 languages currently spoken.

Languages of Ivory Coast
Official French
National About 70 languages: Baoulé, Sénoufo, Yacouba, Agni, Attié, Guéré, Bété, Dioula, Abé, Mahou, Wobé, Lobi, Guro
Signed Francophone African Sign Language

Which African country speaks good English?

WHAT IS THE BEST ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY IN AFRICA? In Africa, Uganda is recognized as being the best English speaking African country according to research which was carried out by the World Linguistic Agency. Behind them were countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, Namibia, and Kenya.

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Is Vancouver French speaking?

After English and Chinese, the most common mother tongue languages spoken are Punjabi, German, Italian, French, Tagalog (Filipino) and Spanish. More than half of Vancouver’s school-age children have been raised speaking a language other than English.

Is Ontario a French speaking language?

Although French is the native language of just over half a million Canadians in Ontario, francophone Ontarians represent only 4.4 percent of the province’s population. The province has no official language defined in law, although it is a largely English-speaking province.

Is French Dying in Canada?

French Canadian language and culture is threatened even in Quebec, but not by French Canadians who aspire to be bilingual. Canadian French is dying, but bilingualism isn’t it’s killer.

Is traveling to Jordan safe?

Is Jordan Safe to Travel Around Independently? Absolutely. While traveling in a group is the most popular option, traveling independently in Jordan is easy and very safe. It is not a big country by any standard and you can travel from Amman to Aqaba in 4 hours.

What is the main ethnic group in Jordan?

The overwhelming majority of the population of Jordan is Arab, mostly Sunni Muslim. Jordanian society also includes ethnic minorities, including Circassians, Kurds, Turkomans, Chechens, and Armenians.

What is the most famous museum in France?


Why does Canada speak French?

However, I would like to add that most Canadians actually do not speak French. 1.Most native speakers of the French language in Canada lives in Quebec, where French is the majority official language. 77% of Quebec’s population are native francophones and 95% of the population speak French as their first language.

What’s easier Spanish or French?

Spanish grammar is sometimes simpler, and the accent is generally considered easier, but French gives English speakers a break in other areas, such as vocabulary.

What nationality is French Canadian?

French Canadians (also referred to as Franco-Canadians or Canadiens; French: Canadien(ne)s français(es)) are an ethnic group who trace their ancestry to French colonists who settled in Canada from the 17th century onward.

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