What is the highest altitude butterflies fly?

Monarch butterflies stand out among insects with the longest migration distance, up to 4000 km. They fly at high altitudes during migration and overwinter at high altitudes sites at 3000 m.

How high can a butterfly fly?


English Units Altitudes of Some Familiar Things
11,000 ft Highest monarch butterfly ever seen Seen during fall migration by glider pilot (may fly higher)
10,560 ft Two miles high
5,280 ft One mile high
2-4,000 ft Songbird migration Most occurs at these altitudes.

Can butterflies fly above 17000 feet?

Highest altitude — Some butterflies have been observed flying at altitudes up to 20,000 feet. Largest wings, modern — Wingspans of some butterflies and moths are the largest of all modern insects.

What is the highest butterfly fly?

Highest-flying: Piercolias forsteri

This species flies in the high Andes mountains of Bolivia in South America, about 4,200 metres above sea level. The butterfly roams peaks that are covered in rocks, ice and snow, with little vegetation. Several related species fly at similar heights, braving extreme temperatures.

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Do butterflies die if you touch them?

The longer a butterfly lives, the more likely its wings will be damaged. Scales form the colors and patterns butterflies need for mate selection, camouflage, predator avoidance and thermoregulation. Although a butterfly will not die if you touch its wings, if too many scales are rubbed off, these benefits are lost.

Do butterflies fly really high?

Slow flying butterflies probably fly five miles per hour or a little faster. During fall migration, migrating Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) have been seen flying by tall buildings such as the Empire State Building at more than 1,000+ feet.

How far can a butterfly fly in a day?

Monarchs can travel between 50-100 miles a day; it can take up to two months to complete their journey. The farthest ranging monarch butterfly recorded traveled 265 miles in one day.

Why do butterflies fly so high?

Why do they fly at such high altitudes? A. At increasingly higher altitudes wind speed increases rapidly. So if the winds are going in the right direction, it pays monarchs to thermal upward.

What bird can fly the highest?

The world’s highest flying bird is an Asian goose that can fly up and over the Himalaya in only about eight hours, a new study finds. The bar-headed goose is “very pretty, but I guess it doesn’t look like a superathlete,” said study co-author Lucy Hawkes, a biologist at Bangor University in the United Kingdom.

Can butterflies fly over the ocean?

From Canada to Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west form a natural funnel, which the butterflies follow all the way to their winter residence. ”It’s pretty clever: the butterflies don’t like flying over water or mountains.

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Which butterfly would fly better?

Arguably, there is no butterfly for which flight is more important than the monarch (Danaus plexippus), which undergoes long-distance migrations in North America. We examined morphological features of monarchs that would explain the apparent higher migratory success and flight ability of females over males.

Can a butterflies fly higher than a bird?

While the highest altitude a bird has been recorded flying is 11,278 meters (37,000 feet), some insects have also been seen flying at surprisingly high altitudes. Some flies and butterflies have been seen flying at 6,000 meters (19,685 feet).

Where do butterflies go to die?

Some butterflies hide under large leaves, some crawl down into dense leaves or under rocks, and some just sit head down on grass stems or bushes with wings held tightly. If the rains are exceptionally hard or of long duration many of the butterflies become tattered or die.

Do butterflies recognize humans?

They are social animals & crave companionship, & so bond easily with humans. Insects operate largely on instinctual behaviour.

Can I keep a butterfly as a pet?

Caterpillars make great pets, both for children and for adults. Butterflies are also terrific pets as long as their special needs regarding flying space and food are met.

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