What is the biggest feedlot in Nebraska?

Subject: RE: Biggest feedlot? Adams feedlot here in Broken Bow is the biggest in Nebraska I believe. They finish out around 270,000 head a year.

Which state has the most cattle on feed?

Texas has the most cattle on feed in the United States followed by Nebraska & Kansas. Texas has the most cattle on feed in the United States followed by Nebraska & Kansas. Texas, Nebraska & Kansas each have over 2 million head of cattle on feed.

Where are most feedlots located?

Most are located in the Texas panhandle, Oklahoma panhandle, Kansas, and Nebraska. Most feedlots are relatively close to a packing plant or slaughterhouse to keep trucking costs down when the animals are ready to be slaughtered.

How much does a feedlot make per cow?

Hauling rates range from $1.90 to $2.10 per mile. Usual current rates are about $2.00 per mile to a custom feedlot. Shipment of cattle 300 miles with a 50,000-pound load will add about $1.20/cwt to the cost of the cattle.

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How much does a feedlot owner make?

According to this category, cattle feedlot managers earn the following salary: Median Annual Salary: $67,950 ($32.67/hour) Top 10% Annual Salary: $136,940 ($65.84/hour) Bottom 10% Annual Salary: $35,440 ($17.04/hour)

What is the number 1 cattle producing state?

Texas has the most cattle in the United States followed by Nebraska & Kansas. Texas accounts for roughly 13% of the cattle inventory in the United States.

Which state eats the most meat?

Below is the map for beef steak. Demand for steak is highest in California, Nevada, Washington, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Illinois, Florida, and New York. Steak demand is lowest in Idaho, Utah, Missouri, and the Appalachian regions, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

What is the largest feedlot in the United States?

Share: With more than 900,000-head across eleven US locations, Five Rivers Cattle, LLC. is the world’s largest cattle feeder. Kersey, Colorado is home to the Kuner Feedlot, which currently houses up to 100,000-head on the 400 acre feedyard area.

Are feedlots bad?

One environmental downside of feedlots is that the way they concentrate and store manure often leads to high levels of local air and water pollution. In addition, runoff of nitrogen-rich manure into waterways can contribute to “dead zones” in coastal areas.

Will a cow eat a hamburger?

Do cows eat meat? No, they’re purely herbivorous. It should be noted that the meat industry is so diabolical, that in the mass production of livestock, they have finessed any conceivable diet for the animals so as to maximize weight gain and profits.

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How much is a 500 pound calf worth?

The long-term average is roughly 55 cents per pound of gain. For example, if the price of a 500-pound calf is $1.40 per pound and the price of a 600-pound calf is $1.26, the value of those 100 pounds of gain is $56 or 56 cents per pound.

How many cows can an acre support?

You may have heard a rule-of-thumb is that it takes 1.5 to 2 acres to feed a cow calf pair for 12 months. That means we should be able to have 10 to 13 cows. Let’s see how this rule-of-thumb holds up. It looks like our rule-of-thumb held up pretty good, 11 cows on 20 acres, is 1.8 acres per cow.

Do Feedlots buy cattle?

Q : Will you buy my cattle? A : Depending on the quantity, many feedyards will buy all or part of your calves directly from your operation. If you’re considering retained ownership feeding, yet need cash flow, consider selling part of your calves to the feedyard and feeding the rest.

How many cows do you need to make money?

Theoretically a USA average herd of 50 cows selling 50 calves in the fall per year would produce a net income of approximately 50 x $339 = $16,950/year. I believe the above University (Iowa State and U of MN were where I heard this type number a few years ago) numbers include some land amortization etc.

How many acres do you need for a feedlot?

Approximately 1 acre of land is required per 100 head of cattle for pen space, alleys and feed roads and 1/4 to 1 acre of land per 100 head of cattle is required for the waste control facility, depending on the type of system. All extraneous runoff needs to be diverted away from the feedlots and roads.

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How much does a feedlot make?

Feedlot Manager Salary

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $96,000 $46
75th Percentile $74,500 $36
Average $62,695 $30
25th Percentile $47,000 $23
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