What is the 2nd largest rainforest?

The Congo Basin makes up one of the most important wilderness areas left on Earth. At 500 million acres, it is larger than the state of Alaska and stands as the world’s second-largest tropical forest. A mosaic of rivers, forests, savannas, swamps and flooded forests, the Congo Basin is teeming with life.

What are the 3 biggest rainforests in the world?

The world’s largest rainforests: Amazon, Daintree, Congo Basin and more.

What are the 5 major rainforests?

This article focuses specifically on the world’s tropical rainforests. The following charts show the extent of primary forest cover and tree cover in the tropics for the world’s five largest blocks of rainforest: Amazon, Congo, Australiasia, Sundaland, and Indo-Burma.

Is the Congo jungle dangerous?

Travel Warnings and Important Precautions

Unfortunately, many countries that make up the Congo rainforest have been subject to years of brutal colonial rule, severe civil unrest and armed conflict.

What is the 2nd largest rainforest which is located in Africa?

The Congo River

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Together these ecosystems make up the bulk of Central Africa’s rainforest, which at 178 million hectares (2005) is the world’s second largest rainforest.

Which is the largest forest in world?

The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest. It’s home to more than 30 million people and one in ten known species on Earth.

Does Alaska have rainforests?

The Alaskan rainforest is large — and largely undeveloped. In Southeast Alaska alone there are hundreds of islands, 15,000 miles of coastline, over 19 million land acres, and over 5 million acres of pristine old-growth rainforest.

What is the most famous rainforest in the world?

The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is the world’s largest and best known tropical rainforest. As measured by primary forest extent, the Amazon rainforest is more than three times larger than that of the Congo Basin, the world’s second largest rainforest.

What is the smallest rainforest?

DYK… the smallest rainforest in the world is Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve – located in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It might be only 25 acres but it is home to native wildlife like monkeys, lizards, pythons, and – possibly the most exotic of all animals – squirrels!

Where is the largest rainforest found?

The Amazon jungle is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. The forest covers the basin of the Amazon, the world’s second longest river. The Amazon is home to the greatest variety of plants and animals on Earth. A 1/5 of all the world’s plants and birds and about 1/10 of all mammal species are found there.

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Do lions live in the Congo?

northern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where lions permanently inhabit rainforests and clearings in rainforest mixed with savannah grassland. … Lions in Radom and Southern National Parks are probably connected to lions in the Central African Republic.

Does Africa have a jungle?

Although Africa is well known for the Sahara Desert, nearly a quarter of the African continent is covered by rainforests. … The largest jungle in Africa is the Congo Basin, which is the second-largest rainforest in the world and is thought to be the setting for Tarzan. Africa also has many other, smaller rainforests.

What lives in the Congo River?

Elephants, gorillas, chimpanzees and okapi, all are residents of this vast area, where more than 400 species of mammals are found.

How many trees are in the Congo rainforest?

The forest is home to as many as 1,000 species of trees – you might find as many as 500 different trees in a single hectare! Of course all of these trees, along with the rich variety of other plants here, provide a wonderful source of food for animals; including great apes like gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos.

How much of the Congo rainforest is left?

Roughly fifty percent (154 million hectare) of the remaining rainforest in the Congo Basin lies within the boundaries of the DRC. The DRC is one of the most Flora rich countries on the continent.

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