What city has the highest HIV rate 2019?

Which city has the highest HIV rate 2019?

HIV affects locations differently as well, so we’ve compiled the cities with highest rates in the nation.

  1. Baton Rouge, Louisiana – 44.7.
  2. Miami, Florida – 42.8. …
  3. New Orleans, Louisiana – 36.9. …
  4. Jackson, Mississippi – 32.2. …
  5. Orlando, Florida – 28.8. …
  6. Memphis, Tennessee – 27.6. …
  7. Atlanta, Georgia – 25.9. …
  8. Columbia, South Carolina – 25.6. …

What state has the highest HIV rate 2019?

However, the states with the highest number of people with HIV were Florida, Texas, California and Georgia. In California, there were around 4,398 people diagnosed with HIV.

What city in the US has the highest HIV rate?

Washington, D.C., had the highest rate of HIV diagnoses among adults and adolescents compared to 50 states in 2018, according to a ranking from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Who has the highest HIV rate in America?

In 2018, the highest rate was for Blacks/African Americans (45.4), followed by Hispanic/Latinos (22.4) and persons of multiple races (19.3). By sex at birth, the annual number of new HIV infections in 2018, as compared to 2014, remained stable among males and females.

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