Was T Rex the biggest meat eating dinosaur?

Giganotosaurus was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs. For a long time, Tyrannosaurus rex — “king of the dinosaurs” — was thought to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur. … Today, Giganotosaurus is believed to have been slightly larger than T.

What was the biggest meat eating dinosaur?

Meat eating dinosaurs were called CARNIVORES. There were about 100 types of dinosaurs who ate meat. Spinosaurus (means Spine Lizard) was the largest meat eating dinosaur, even bigger than the T-Rex.

Was there a bigger predator than the T Rex?

Spinosaurus was the biggest of all the carnivorous dinosaurs, larger than Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus.

What was the largest land carnivore ever?

The largest terrestrial carnivore is the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). Adult males typically weigh 400–600 kg (880–1,320 lb), and have a nose-to-tail length of 2.4–2.6 m (7 ft 10 in–8 ft 6 in).

Did T Rex eat dinosaurs?

T. rex was a huge carnivore and primarily ate herbivorous dinosaurs, including Edmontosaurus and Triceratops. The predator acquired its food through scavenging and hunting, grew incredibly fast and ate hundreds of pounds at a time, said University of Kansas paleontologist David Burnham.

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Could a Spinosaurus really kill a T Rex?

The T. … While this might be possible with a smaller organism, it’s unlikely that a Spinosaurus would be able to do that with a dinosaur as robust and muscular as a T. rex. Though the Spinosaurus had an impressive bite force of 2 tons, its teeth would have been too small and dull to grab hold of a T.

What was bigger than at Rex?

Bigger than both T. … rex and Gigantosaurus, it lived in the swamps and rivers of North Africa during the Cretaceous Period, about 112 million to 97 million years ago.

What dinosaur can kill a Indominus Rex?

As it is about to kill the Indominus Rex, the Velociraptor “Blue” reappears and attacks it. This enables the Tyrannosaurus to re-engage in battle. As they push the I-Rex to the lagoon, the Mosasaurus bursts out of the water and drags the Indominus Rex to the bottom of the lagoon, killing it once and for all.

What dinosaur can kill a mosasaurus?

Mosasaurus attacks Spinosaurus, but couldn’t land a hit until, he crush Spinosaurus onto the ocean floor and tosses him to the ice sheet above and crash into Spinosaurus. However, Spinosaurus uses the icicles above to kill Mosasaurus and was successful, thus killing Mosasaurus.

What dinosaur can kill a Spinosaurus?

Bellowing in pain, the T. rex groaned out in agony as the Spinosaurus gripped his neck with it’s arms and snapped the rival dinosaur’s neck, killing him instantly.

Is Indominus rex bigger than T Rex?

Wu the leading geneticist behind the development of this new type of prehistoric animal, states that this dinosaur was designed to be “bigger than a T. rex. … In the film, it is believed to be around twelve metres long, a fraction smaller than an adult female Tyrannosaurus rex.

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Is Giganotosaurus real?

Giganotosaurus was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs. It roamed modern-day Argentina during the late Cretaceous Period, about 99.6 to 97 million years ago. For a long time, Tyrannosaurus rex — “king of the dinosaurs” — was thought to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur.

What is the strongest carnivore on earth?

List of largest land carnivorans

Rank Common name Maximum mass (kg)
1 Polar bear 1002
2 Brown bear 1090(in captivity, 751 in the wild, possibly more)
3 Bengal Tiger 388.78 (disputed)
4 African Lion 375 (in the wild; disputed)

Would at Rex eat a human?

Well yes a T-Rex would eat a human you are no different then another dinosaur except brains and the fact you are smaller you would be an easier target and would still taste good because you are meat, and if it was hungry it’s not just gonna leave a perfect meal standing there.

Could a T-Rex eat a human whole?

person, a T-Rex could definitely swallow a person whole.

How much does at Rex eat a day?

Roughly a T-Rex would need to consume a whopping 326–571 kg of meat per day. That’s like eating 4–8 humans a day!

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